Agenda for Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting on Tuesday, 21st September, 2010, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Penny Jennings, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.
Decision: 14a. Declarations of Interests
14.1 There were none.
14b. Exclusion of Press and Public
14.2 In accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (The Act),the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press or public were present during that item there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in Section 100A(3) of the Act).
14.3 RESOLVED – That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting.
Minutes: 14a. Declarations of Interests
14.1 There were none.
14b. Exclusion of Press and Public
14.2 In accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (The Act),the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press or public were present during that item there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in Section 100A(3) of the Act).
14.3 RESOLVED – That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 June 2010 (copy attached). Minutes: 15.1 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Culture, Recreation and Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting held on 15 June 2010 be agreed and signed by the Cabinet Member as a correct record. |
Cabinet Member's Communications Minutes: Conference Wins
16.1 The Cabinet Member explained that enquiry levels received by VisitBrighton had increased by 20% and conversions had increased by around 17%. The following conference wins had been secured in recent months:
LibDem Annual Conference (Brighton Centre- Sept 2012 -8000+ delegates);
British Nuclear Medicine Society (Brighton Centre – May 2011 & May 2013 – 1500+ delegates);
British Accounting Association (Brighton Centre – April 2011 – 800 + delegates); and
British Arts Festival Association (Brighton Dome – November 2010 – 300+ delegates).
16.2 The Cabinet Member went on to explain that the VisitBrighton sales team had held 5 sales events in the city and a number of enquiries had been received as well as confirmed business from invited clients.
Brighton Centre Improvements
16.3 Following release of funding from the Council, the Brighton Centre had been refurbished during the course of the summer. Works carried out had included, the purchase of new flat floor seating, refurbishment of all balcony seats and raised seating and refurbishment of all walls and pillars in the foyer areas creating a cleaner brighter look when entering the venue. In addition a brand new front facing café “Feed”, the Box Office had also been relocated and modernised and would also be in a front facing location; new directional signage had also been installed. These works had been carried out to facilitate retention of and to encourage future conference and other business, by improving the overall customer and delegate experience.
EUROCITIES Awards Nomination
16.4 The Cabinet Member noted that the City Council had been nominated as a finalist in the 2010 EUROCITIES Awards alongside Glasgow and Eindhoven. The awards ceremony would take place on 3 November in Zaragoza, Spain.
National &International Travel Media Visits
16.5 The Cabinet Member explained that during the preceding 3 months VisitBrighton had hosted media trips from the “Sunday Times Travel Magazine”, the “Independent Newspaper” and “Virgin Blue In-flight Magazine” among others. During September alone, VisitBrighton had hosted over 15 different trade and international travel media in the city. The Cabinet member stated that generating positive media coverage which encouraged visitors to the city was vital to the city was vital to the city’s tourism economy.
Time Out Brighton “Shortlist” Guide 2011
16.6 The Cabinet Member stated that he was delighted to report that “Time Out” would be producing a full “Brighton” guide book in 2011. The Brighton guide would form part of the “Shortlist” series and indicated the city’s stature as a European city break. VisitBrighton had worked with “Time Out” over a two year period to achieve this outcome
Brighton Centre & Hove Centre Certification S014001/BS8901
16.7 It was noted that the city had been awarded with S014001 (International Standards for Environmental Management System) & BS8901 (British Standard Sustainable Event Management System).
Refurbishment of Jubilee Children’s Library
16.8 The Cabinet Member explained that the children’s library over the summer, including a lighter, more durable floor covering and the “Wall of a Thousand Stories” art work on the back wall and the stock had been re-arranged so that parents and children could locate books and DVD’s more easily. Popular events, “Dad’s Baby Boogie” sessions and “Homework Clubs” continue to be hosted in the refurbished space. The City’s children’s library services remained one of the top two in the country according to CIPFA satisfaction statistics.
Meridian Tonight Feature on Brighton & Hove Libraries
16.9 The Cabinet Member went on to explain that a very positive feature on Brighton & Hove libraries had been shown on “Meridian Tonight” in August. Filming had taken place at Jubilee Library and Hove library where enthusiastic customers had been interviewed regarding the services they were able to access via their local libraries. The Culture Minister Ed Vaizey had also been interviewed and had cited Jubliee Library as a successful modern library catering for the needs of its users. Brighton and Hove City Council Libraries had been bucking the trend of falling visitor numbers with a 66% increase in visits to the cities libraries between 2004 to 2010.
Royal Pavilion & Museums
16.10 The Cabinet Member was delighted to be able to report that visitor numbers to the Royal Pavilion had continued to rise. There had been 21,000 additional visitors between April and August which represented a 12% increase on the same period the previous year.
Strange & Familiar Exhibition
16.11 “Strange & Familiar Three Views of Brighton” was an exhibition opening at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery from 2 October. It formed part of the Brighton Photo Biennial 2010 a series of shows and events across the city – which would offer visitors the chance to see Brighton & Hove through the eyes of three internationally acclaimed photographers, Stephen Gill, Rinko Kawauchi and Alec Soth.
Picturing Stories & Under 5s Picture and Story Time
16.12 The Cabinet Member explained that the “Picturing Stories” exhibition would open at Hove Museum &Art Gallery. This would be a family friendly exhibition of narrative paintings from the city’s fine art collection which would explore the ways in which visual images could illustrate and inspire storytelling. Museum staff would be working with local schools on related creative arts projects and work would be shown as part of the second part of the exhibition’s run from mid-December to 1 March 2011. The exhibition would also include a series of creative workshops and story telling sessions for pre-schoolers, their parents and carers “Under 5s Picture and Story Time”. This programme was in part a response to the results of the recent consultation on how to improve the family friendliness of Museum’s displays, events and facilities.
Festival Cluster
16.13 The Cabinet Member stated that the cluster of autumn cultural festivals was about to begin with Brighton Photo Biennial, curated by Martin Parr and the Photofringe featuring more than 130exhibitions launching over the weekend of 1 – 2 October. Brighton Live, the free festival of local bands would launch on 5 October, with the “White Night” event set to take place on 30 October. |
Items reserved for Discussion (a) Items reserved by the Cabinet Member
(b) Items reserved by the Opposition Spokespersons
(c) Items reserved by Members, with the agreement of the Cabinet Member.
NOTE: Public Questions, Written Questions from Councillors, Petitions, Deputations, Letters from Councillors and Notices of Motion will be reserved automatically. Minutes: 17.1 RESOLVED - That all items be reserved for discussion. |
Petitions No petitions received by date of publication.
Minutes: 18.1 There were none. |
Public Questions (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 13 September 2010)
No public questions received by date of publication. Minutes: 19.1 There were none. |
Deputations (The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 13 September 2010)
No deputations received by date of publication. Minutes: 20.1 There were none. |
Letters from Councillors No letters have been received.
Minutes: 21.1 There were none. |
Written Questions from Councillors No written questions have been received. Minutes: 22.1 There were none. |
Notices of Motions No Notices of Motion have been received by date of publication.
Minutes: 23.1 There were none. |
The Visit Brighton Greeter Scheme Report of the Acting Director Housing, Culture and Enterprise (copy attached) Decision:
(1) That the Cabinet Member noted the success achieved by the Greeter Scheme one year on and agreed to introduce the “InstaGreeter” pilot. Minutes: 24.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Acting Director of Housing, Culture and Enterprise setting detailing the first year of operation of the Visit Brighton Greeter scheme since its inception on 2 October 2 October 2009.
24.2 Councillor Davis welcomed this initiative which sought to enhance visitors experiences of visiting the City enquiring whether this had resulted in tangible results. The Head of Tourism and Leisure responded that feedback received had been very positive. A number of visitors had responded that to be met and guided around the city by residents who were passionate about the place they lived and had been able to offer advice on such issues as places to visit and eat had enhanced their experience and as a result they intended to visit again.
24.3 The scheme had resulted in additional positive publicity for the city as a visitor destination and approaches had been received from others seeking to emulate its success.
24.4 RESOLVED – That the Cabinet noted the success achieved by the Greeter Scheme one year on and agreed to introduce the “InstaGreeter” pilot. |
Shakedown Music Event 2011 Report of the Acting Director of Environment (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the Cabinet Member gives approval for officers to undertake full consultation to stage the Shakedown Music Event in Stanmer Park, Brighton on Saturday 9 July 2011 between midday and midnight.
(2) That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to develop with the event organisers to a full Event Management Plan; and
(3) That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to complete consultation on the event prior to a report being considered by Cabinet seeking landlord’s consent for a major event.
(3) (2) (3)
(3) That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to complete consultation on the event prior to a report being considered by Cabinet seeking landlord’s consent for a major event. Minutes: 24.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Acting Director of Culture and Enterprise seeking approval for offcers to undertake full consultation to stage the Shakedown Music Event at Stanmer Park in 2011.
24.2 Councillor Davis enquired whether camping would be permitted on/near the site and referred to the disruption, noise and other nuisance that could result from this. It was explained that mindful of this, the event had been organised to finish at midnight and not to be an overnight/weekend one. The subsequent report to go to Cabinet (as landlord’s permission would be required) would include a detailed management plan and would also deal with matters such as waste management and post event cleanup.
15.3 RESOLVED – (1) That the Cabinet Member gives approval for officers to undertake full consultation to stage the Shakedown Music Event in Stanmer Park, Brighton on Saturday 9 July 2011 between midday and midnight.
(2) That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to develop with the event organisers to a full Event Management Plan; and
(3) That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to complete consultation on the event prior to a report being considered by Cabinet seeking landlord’s consent for a major event. |
Sussex Beacon Half Marathon Report of the Acting Director of Environment (copy attached)
Additional documents: Decision:
(1) That the Cabinet Member grants consent for the Sussex Beacon Half Marathon to take place o 20 February 2011; and
(2) That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to enter into formal agreements with the event organisers to determine conditions and levels of support as appropriate. Minutes: 26.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Acting Director of Environment setting out the proposed programme for the 2011 Sussex Beacon Half Marathon event to take place on 20 February 2011 and to seek landlord’s consent for the event to take place.
26.2 Councillor Davis enquired regarding arrangements to ensure that disruption to residents was minimised, she also enquired regarding arrangements to ensure they safety of slower runners once the roads were re-opened.
26.3 It was explained that the route had been chosen to ensure the optimum safety of runners, the choice of route was dictated in part by the fact that year on year the number of participants had increased, but thought had also been given to the need to minimise disruption to residents and other road users. A minor detour would be made to bus routes and once the roads were re-opened runners would be directed to use the pavements, there would be sufficient numbers of marshalls to ensure this could be effected. The Police had also agreed to provide resources on the day at no cost.
26.4 RESOLVED–(1) That the Cabinet Member grants consent for the Sussex Beacon Half Marathon to take place o 20 February 2011; and
(2) That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to enter into formal agreements with the event organisers to determine conditions and levels of support as appropriate. |
Royal Pavilion & Museums Fees and Charges Report of the Acting Director of Housing, Culture and Enterprise (copy attached) Decision: (1) That the Cabinet Member approves the changes to charges for admission and guiding for the period Jan 2011 – March 2014, overriding previous price changes to take into account changes to VAT and the price sensitivity of the market.
(2) That the Cabinet Member approves the proposed prices for commercial hire of the Royal Pavilion & Museum Venues 2011/12; and
(3) That the Cabinet Member approves charges for image reproduction services September 2010 – March 2012 with immediate effect. Minutes: 27.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Acting Director of Culture and Enterprise setting out the proposed changes to fees and charges for admission charges, guiding, commercial hire and image reproduction to assist with business planning.
27.2 The Cabinet Member noted that the eastern lawns would be able to be hired for the first time. Councillor Davis enquired whether it was still intended that a ice rink would be set up on the lawns during the winter months. It was explained that discussions were still taking place with the applicants.
27.3 Councillor Davis enquired regarding whether the proposed charges would impact on planned improvements to visitor facilities. It was explained that they would be unaffected as external funding was being sought for these works.
27.4 RESOLVED – (1)That the Cabinet Member approves the changes to charges for admission and guiding for the period Jan 2011 – March 2014, overriding previous price changes to take into account changes to VAT and the price sensitivity of the market.
(2)That the Cabinet Member approves the proposed prices for commercial hire of the Royal Pavilion & Museum Venues 2011/12; and
(3) That the Cabinet Member approves charges for image reproduction services September 2010 – March 2012 with immediate effect. |
Items to go Forward to Council Minutes: 28.1 There were none. |