Agenda for Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting on Tuesday, 15th September, 2009, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Caroline De Marco, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.
Minutes: 22a Declarations of Interests
22.1 There were none.
22b Exclusion of Press and Public
22.2 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (the Act), the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press or public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100(I) of the Act).
22.3 RESOLVED - That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during item 38.
Minutes of the previous meetings Minutes of the Meetings held on 9 June and 14 July 2009 (copies attached). Additional documents: Minutes: 23.1 RESOLVED - That the minutes of the Culture, Recreation and Tourism Cabinet Member Meetings held on 9 June and 14 July 2009 be agreed and signed by the Cabinet Member.
Cabinet Member's Communications Minutes: ‘The Land Girls: Cinderellas of the Soil’
24.1 The Cabinet Member reported that ‘The Land Girls: Cinderellas of the Soil’ would open at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery on Saturday 3 October 2009. Known as the ‘Cinderella of the services’, the forgotten army of the land girls would tell their story in this new exhibition.
24.2 During World War Two over 75,000 women joined the Women’s Land Army. Using personal stories, propaganda, paintings, posters, photographs and other objects the exhibition would reveal the experiences of the women as they left their pre-war lives as shop girls, hairdressers and dressmakers and learnt milking, rat catching, ditching, threshing and tractor driving. The Land Girls would also focus on the contribution that Sussex made. The Headquarters of the Women’s Land Army were at Balcombe Place; land girls were trained at Plumpton Agricultural College, and they lived and worked on the Sussex Downs and surrounding areas.
24.3 The exhibition was awarded ‘Their Past Your Future’ grant funding of £8.6K from the Museums, Libraries & Archives Council (MLA) to undertake an inter-generational learning project. Former land girls living in Sussex had worked together with students from Cardinal Newman School, Brighton & Hove, to make a film about wartime experiences, to be shown in the exhibition. This free exhibition would run until 14 March 2010
24.4 Councillor Randall asked if ‘The Land Girls: Cinderellas of the Soil’ would be exhibited in other parts of the country. The Head of Royal Pavilion & Museums confirmed that the exhibition would only be held in Brighton & Hove.
Improved Visitor Services at the Royal Pavilion
24.5 The Cabinet Member reported that the 24-hour Security Control Room on the Royal Pavilion Estate moved location on 28 August in order to free up space within the Pavilion so that visitor services (particularly family services) could be improved. In the near future a pram/'buggy' parking area would be provided. This course of action had been informed by customer feedback from comments cards, ie:
· “Have storage for buggies”. · “Upstairs not pushchair accessible although publicised as children’s event”. · “Not good for pushchairs”
24.6 The Cabinet Member reported that the Royal Pavilion was one of 16 UK venues to have been selected to participate in Museumaker, a collaboration between the Arts Council, the Museums, Libraries & Archives Council (MLA), and Renaissance in the Regions. The prestigious award of £20,000 would enable Royal Pavilion & Museums to commission a designer-maker to create a piece inspired by the extraordinary Royal Pavilion. The development of the work would be informed through consultation with young people. It would be displayed during winter 2010 - 2011 and would help to draw new audiences - as well as repeat visits - to this iconic building.
Congratulations to Conference Team
24.7 The Cabinet Member reported that since April 2009, the Conference Team had attracted 22 conferences. Over the next few years 22,000 extra people would be coming to the city for extra events. This showed that the city was thriving. The Cabinet Member thanked the Conference Team for their hard work.
Conference Wins Soroptimists 24.8 The Cabinet Member was delighted to report that VisitBrighton had secured the Soroptimist International GBI Conference for October 2011. The Soroptimists were a worldwide organisation for women in management, working to advance human rights and the status of women. The word Soroptimist came from the Latin words soror meaning “sister” and optima meaning “best”, and loosely translated as “best for women”. They held an annual international conference, rotating through Commonwealth countries which attracted 2,000 delegates from 28 countries and had previously been hosted in Barbados, Cardiff, Durban and Harrogate. The pre-conference meetings would be held at The Grand, with the main conference at The Brighton Dome, with a gala dinner for 2000pax (seats and stands) at the Hilton Brighton Metropole. 24.9 The Cabinet Member stressed that the Council was very excited to have been chosen to host such a prestigious event which would undoubtedly garner a huge amount of press coverage as it is such a unique event, comprising almost entirely female delegates and is estimated to bring £4m to the city. BIALL Annual Conference 24.10 The Cabinet Member reported that VisitBrighton had also secured the BIALL Annual Conference for the city. He was particularly pleased as this event would be coming to the Brighton Centre from 9-12 June 2010 with an estimated 400+ delegates and with an estimated economic benefit of £750k. 24.11 The British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) was formed in 1969. It is an independent and self-supporting body that was created to represent the interests of legal information professionals, documentalists and other suppliers of legal literature and reference materials in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Heritage Open Day Launch
24.12 The Cabinet Member reported that on the 1 September, Jubilee Library hosted the national launch of Heritage Open Days, in conjunction with English Heritage and Brighton Regency Town House. Baroness Andrews of English Heritage and Barbara Follett MP were joined by an invited audience to promote this important national event and discover Brighton & Hove’s cultural attractions. 24.13 Heritage Open Days celebrated England’s architecture and culture by allowing visitors free access to interesting properties that are either not usually open, or would normally charge an entrance fee. This year’s events took place over 10 – 13 September. 24.14 Organised by volunteers, Heritage Open Days was England’s biggest and most popular voluntary cultural event. Last year the event attracted around 1 million visitors nationwide. 24.15 Locally, there were over 150 venues and activities open to the public for free, the nation’s largest collection of Heritage Open Days events for 2009. Best UK City for a Short Break
24.16 The Cabinet Member was delighted to note that the City received yet another accolade from the readers of the Sunday Times Travel Magazine who placed the City 3rd in the category of ‘Best UK City For A Short Break’ behind London & Edinburgh. The article from the Sunday Times of 6th September reads: ‘Nipping at the heels of the big beasts, though there is a young whippersnapper. Brighton is more fun than the big guns: ‘breezy, seaside-y and less intimidating than London’ with some seriously fine hotels’.
Animated Hove Shortlisted for Award – Hove Museum & Art Gallery
24.17 The Cabinet Member reported that the film Animated Hove, which was made at Hove Museum in 2008, had been shortlisted for an award for Best Animation at the Oska Bright Film Festival in November 2009. For full press information and a link to an image, go to
Brighton Museum & Art Gallery Sunday Opening
24.18 The Cabinet Member reported that he pleased to report that on Brighton Museum and Art Gallery’s first Sunday morning opening there were 798 visitors, compared with an average of 300 on previous Sundays. The museum attracted mostly day visitors when it first opened in the morning with more regular local visitors coming in from mid morning. Feedback from visitors was positive and the early visitors were a younger age group than would normally visit on a Sunday.
Items reserved for discussion (a) Items reserved by the Cabinet Member
(b) Items reserved by the Opposition Spokespersons
(c) Items reserved by Members, with the agreement of the Cabinet Member.
NOTE: Public Questions, Written Questions from Councillors, Petitions, Deputations, Letters from Councillors and Notices of Motion will be reserved automatically. Minutes: 25.1 RESOLVED – That all items be reserved for discussion.
Petitions No petitions have been received by the date of publication.
Minutes: 26.1 There were none.
Public Questions (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 8 September 2009)
No public questions have been received by the date of publication. Minutes: 27.1 There were none.
Deputations (The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 8 September 2009)
No deputations have been received by the date of publication. Minutes: 28.1 There were none.
Letters from Councillors Letter from Councillor Davis (copy attached).
Minutes: 29.1 The Cabinet Member considered a letter from Councillor Davis in which she expressed concern that the Amber Cup was no longer on display at Hove Museum. She had been led to believe that there were no plans for its public display because of costs. She asked for an explanation of what was happening to one of the most important Bronze Age artefacts in the country (for copy see minute book).
29.2 The Cabinet Member replied that the Amber Cup at Hove Museum was temporarily removed from display due to conservation and safety concerns. Options for its redisplay had been considered and the work to re-install it would be complete by the end of the year. It was one of the Royal Pavilion & Museums’ most treasured objects and one he knew was highly valued by Brighton & Hove residents as well as specialist further afield.
29.3 Councillor Davis asked if the Amber Cup would be reinstated for public show by the end of the year. She also asked if there had been a Heritage Lottery Grant for a secure case. The Head of the Royal Pavilion & Museums replied that there had been a Heritage Lottery Grant for the redevelopment of Hove Museum and Art Gallery seven years ago. The redevelopment had included the relocation of the Amber Cup to Hove Museum. The Amber cup was removed from display at Hove Museum due to a leak in the roof. The case needs to be readjusted before it can go back on display. There is not Heritage Lottery money for this work.
29.4 Councillor Davis asked if a notice could be placed in the museum explaining what was happening to the Amber Cup.
29.5 RESOLVED – (1) That the letter be noted.
(2) That a notice be placed in Hove Museum explaining what is happening to the Amber Cup. There should also be an explanation on the council website.
Written Questions from Councillors No written questions have been received. Minutes: 30.1 There were none.
Notices of Motions No Notices of Motion have been received by the date of publication.
Minutes: 31.1 There were none.
Home Delivery Services and the Mobile Library Report of Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached). Decision: (1) That the proposals for improvements to the Libraries Equal Access Services and Mobile Library Service as outlined in paragraphs 3.1.3, 3.2.5 and 3.3.3 of the report be agreed. Minutes: 32.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Culture and Enterprise which proposed improvements to Library Services provided to people in residential homes; to housebound people; and by the mobile library, following a comprehensive review of these services through 2008 and 2009 (for copy see minutes book). The improvement and development of these services formed part of the Libraries Plan 2008-2012 commitment to deliver more accessible and inclusive services. The aim was to deliver more targeted and tailored services to people in residential homes and the housebound, and to make more effective use of the Mobile Library in reaching people who are unable to visit a community library building.
32.2 The Head of Libraries & Information Services explained that the workshop attended by members of the Culture, Enterprise and Tourism Scrutiny Committee on 9 September had been a success and the discussion very helpful. Locations for the mobile library were discussed. A useful suggestion was made that ideas should be taken to the Older Peoples Council. Meanwhile, officers were talking to people in the Moulsecoomb area to see if there was interest in a stop in the area in a suitable location. Bevendean School was a possibility. Previous stops in the area had not been successful. It had not been possible to find a suitable stop in the Portslade/Windlesham Close area as access was difficult there. It had been suggested that an equal access site was found in supported housing.
32.3 The Head of Libraries & Information Services stressed that the quality of the mobile library and equal access services was important, even though the numbers of users was a small percentage of the total users of all Libraries Services.
32.4 Councillor Davis asked if there would be feedback to councillors or the Culture, Enterprise and Tourism Scrutiny Committee. The Head of Libraries & Information Services explained that the notes from the workshop would be circulated to the scrutiny committee and ward councillors would be kept informed.
32.5 Councillor Randall considered the workshop to be a good session. He made the point that there should be some investigation to see if school libraries could be used by the whole community. He mentioned a scheme in Sweden where there was a shared library facility. The Head of Libraries & Information Services said she would discuss this issue with the appropriate Assistant Director in CYPT.
32.6 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That the proposals for improvements to the Libraries Equal Access Services and Mobile Library Service as outlined in paragraphs 3.1.3, 3.2.5 and 3.3.3 of the report be agreed. |
Libraries Fees and Charges Report of Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached). Decision: (1) That the Libraries Fees and Charges proposals for 2010-11 be agreed. Minutes: 33.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Culture and Enterprise which reviewed the impact of the Libraries fees and charges introduced last year and proposed fees and charges for 2010-11 (for copy see minute book). The Head of Libraries & Information Services reported that the service were proposing to make virtually no changes to fees and charges for the coming year, because substantial changes were made only two years ago and given the difficult economic situation facing many of the city’s library users. The annual increase in income targets for inflation would be met through improved performance in room hire and retail services.
33.2 The Head of Libraries & Information Services confirmed that most of the income came from the hire of DVDs and CDs. The fees and charges would be reviewed annually.
33.3 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That the Libraries Fees and Charges proposals for 2010-11 be agreed. |
Museum Fees and Charges
Report of Director of Culture and Enterprise (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 2.1 (1) That the increases for admission charges for the period 2010-2013 be approved.
2.2 (2) That the guided tour charges be approved.
2.3 (3) That the proposed fees for commercial hire of Royal Pavilion & Museum venues 2010/11 be approved.
2.4 (4) That the progress on the implementation of the recommended donation policy introduced in April 2009 be noted.
Minutes: 34.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise which set out the proposed changes to fees and charges for admission charges, guiding and commercial hire to assist with business planning (for copy see minute book). The report also provided an update on the recommended donations policy at non-charging venues within the Royal Pavilion & Museums.
34.2 The Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museums explained that the events programme had been targeted to encourage residents. There is free entry for child residents and Brighton and Hove schools. The Head of Tourism & Venues confirmed that VisitBrighton helped clients connect with the Royal Pavilion & Museums.
34.3 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations.
(1) That the increases for admission charges for the period 2010-2013 be approved.
(2) That the guided tour charges be approved.
(3) That the proposed fees for commercial hire of Royal Pavilion & Museum venues 2010/11 be approved.
(4) That the progress on the implementation of the recommended donation policy introduced in April 2009 be noted.
Venues Fees and Charges Report of Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached). Decision: (1) That the Fees and Charges as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 be approved in order that they can be incorporated into the 2010/11 Revenue Budget and Venues Business Plan. Minutes: 35.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Culture and Enterprise which set out the proposed fees and charges for 2010/11 for the Brighton Centre and Hove Centre (for copy see minute book).
35.2 Councillor Randall expressed unease about the increase in charges in the current economic climate. The Head of Tourism and Venues replied that he was confident that the venues were priced very competitively. However, officers were carefully monitoring the situation. Meanwhile, the Brighton Centre business had increased over the last two years.
35.3 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation.
(1) That the Fees and Charges as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 be approved in order that they can be incorporated into the 2010/11 Revenue Budget and Venues Business Plan. |
The VisitBrighton Greeter Scheme
Report of Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the launch of the VisitBrighton Greeter Scheme on 2 October 2009 be approved. Minutes: 36.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Culture and Enterprise which proposed the implementation of a Greeter Scheme (for copy see minute book). The scheme would improve visitor experience, improve visitor welcome, engage local people in the benefits of tourism and increase take-up of local public transport. The 2008 Tourism Strategy had made a specific recommendation for the implementation of a Greeter Scheme. The scheme would be introduced on 2 October if the proposal was agreed.
36.2 Councillor Davis asked if there would be any vetting of the Greeters in relation to working with children. The Head of Tourism and Venues confirmed that children on their own would not be allowed to book a Greeter Tour. All Greeters would start and finish at the Tourist Information Centre.
36.3 Councillor Davis asked if there could be an update in six months time. The Cabinet Member agreed that there should be a follow up report in six months time.
36.4 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation.
(1) That the launch of the VisitBrighton Greeter Scheme on 2 October 2009 be approved. |
Report of Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the attached Heads of Terms be approved and that the Director of Culture & Enterprise and Director of Finance & Resources be authorised to enter into the lease on those terms with the Hove & Adur Sea Cadets. Minutes: 37.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Culture and Enterprise which reminded the Cabinet Member that on 16 September 2008 he had instructed officers to enter into discussions and negotiations with the Hove & Adur Sea Cadets in respect of a full repairing lease arrangement in respect of Foredown Tower in order to provide new opportunities for young people in Portslade and to ensure the long term future of the Tower as a community facility. Agreement had now been reached with the Sea Cadets on the Heads of Terms for the proposed lease (for copy see minute book).
37.2 Councillor Davis expressed the view that she had hoped that there would be mention of access to the South Downs in the Heads of Terms. She also questioned the wisdom of giving the copyright away for the name Foredown Tower. The Principal Solicitor explained that the name was not copyright or subject to protected naming rights, but was rather a description and recognised address of the building. The Heads of Terms allowed the Sea Cadets to use the name Foredown Tower and have promotional literature which would help to promote the use of Foredown Tower. With regard to the National Park, it was difficult to integrate appropriate wording to a Heads of Terms document. The use was clearly targeted for appropriate community use, and the National Park was not yet in existence.
37.3 Councillor Randall considered the agreement with the Sea Cadets to be a good solution to a difficult issue. He was pleased that there would be the opportunity for other community use at the Foredown Tower.
37.4 The Cabinet Member congratulated the Head of the Royal Pavilion & Museums and her team for the work carried out with the Sea Cadets.
37.5 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations.
(1) That the attached Heads of Terms be approved and that the Director of Culture & Enterprise and Director of Finance & Resources be authorised to enter into the lease on those terms with the Hove & Adur Sea Cadets. |
Part 2 Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2009 (copy circulated to Members only).
[Exempt Category 3] Minutes: 38.1 RESOLVED - That the Part Two minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2009 be approved as a correct record.
Part Two Items To consider whether or not any of the above items and the decisions made at the CMM should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public. Minutes: 39.1 The Cabinet considered whether or not any of the above items should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public.
39.2 RESOLVED - That item 38, contained in Part Two of the agenda, remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public.