Agenda for Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting on Tuesday, 23rd March, 2010, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Caroline De Marco, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.
Minutes: 55a Declarations of Interests
55.1 There were none.
55b Exclusion of Press and Public
55.2 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (the Act), the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press or public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100(I) of the Act).
55.3 RESOLVED - That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 December 2010 (copy attached). Minutes: 56.1 RESOLVED - That the minutes of the Culture, Recreation and Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting held on 8 December 2009 be agreed and signed by the Cabinet Member.
Cabinet Member's Communications Minutes: VisitBrighton Conference Wins
57.1 The Cabinet Member reported that he was once again pleased to be able to announce further conference wins for the City. Firstly the British Association of Supported Employment, 2010 Annual Conference had chosen the Holiday Inn Brighton to host its two day event this September. It was expected to attract approximately 250 delegates, bringing up to £230,500 to the city. 57.2 Secondly, the Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference & Exhibition was to be held at the Hilton Brighton Metropole & De Vere Grand Hotels in April 2011. This event was expected to attract over 1,700 delegates and to bring in approximately £2.5m to the City. 57.3 Finally, the Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual Conference & Exhibition was to be held at the Hilton Brighton Metropole in June 2011 attracting approximately 600 delegates and was estimated to bring £1.5m to the City. Crafts Hove Museum 57.4 The Cabinet Member reported that there were two permanent galleries of contemporary craft at Hove Museum housing a large proportion of the craft collection – some 300 pieces. Craft formed a part of the museums’ decorative art collections spanning design, furniture and applied arts – more than 16,000 objects. The craft collection continued to grow with the support of external funding with works by local and nationally-based makers. Craft activities such as temporary exhibitions and workshops had always been externally funded; for many years through the Arts Council and more recently through a two year grant from the Headley Trust. Since 2003 there had been 20 craft shows at Hove Museum and 5 at Brighton Museum. While there was no funding available at present for the type of programme that had existed to date for the Museums service, there were three future craft programmes for which funding had been secured:
1) May- July 2010 ‘Unravelling the Manor’ comprised an innovative installation of work by ten artists and makers at Preston Manor. 2) Mid June 2010 – January 2011. An installation at The Royal Pavilion of a sensational cloud of 5000 porcelain butterflies made by the ceramicist Clare Twomey. The artist would also work with local makers and the event would be supported by a community engagement programme. This was part of a major national programme-museumaker. 3) In the last few weeks officers had been approached by the ‘Permanent’ Gallery in Hove to work with Neil Brownsword, a maker of national renown, who wished to make work in response to the Willett Collection of Staffordshire Pottery.
57.5 At Hove Museum officers were currently carrying out work with the city’s family audience to strengthen audience-informed programming for exhibitions, activities and events drawing on all Hove’s collections including craft.
Of Hove’s current exhibitions: Precious, comprising craft construction using recycled materials involved working with school children. The Moving Image, another new display used photographs, prints and paintings had been informed by work with pre-school children. This was an approach to programming that was proving very successful and critical to reaching new audiences.
57.6 Given that there were two permanent craft galleries at Hove, there would continue to be craft activity at this site, building on past successes as well as developing new ways of engaging audiences with craft and the other collections.
57.7 Funding had to be secured for programming across all sites and if it could be secured it was the intention to develop craft programming building on this year’s significant new initiatives.
Pride in Our Promenade – Seafront Railing Painting (16-18) March)
57.8 The Cabinet Member reported that local hoteliers joined forces with Brighton & Hove City Council to ensure the city’s seafront was looking good for the summer season. Over three days from 16 – 18 March members of the Brighton & Hove Hoteliers’ Association painted sections of the railings on the seafront, along with council staff.
57.9 More than 40 representatives from local hotels, guest houses, B&Bs and VisitBrighton rolled up their sleeves to take part over the course of the three days, with all equipment and paint provided by the City Council. The work was overseen by representatives from the Sussex Probation Service.
57.10 The work was timed to take place during National Tourism Week (15 – 21 March) so as to maximise the opportunities for positive media coverage for the city. A photo call took place on Tuesday 16 March and was attended by Cllr Mary Mears.
Convention Bureau Update
57.11 The Cabinet Member reported that the recession had had an impact on the conference industry across the UK and Europe and of course Brighton was no different. 57.12 That being said, 2009 was by far the strongest year the city had had with regard to conferences actually taking place within the city. From the political sector, the city welcomed both the Labour Party and Green Party Annual Conferences both of which deliver high economic benefits to the city as well as extensive press and media coverage. From the medical sector the council welcomed the UK Public Health Annual Conference and from the corporate sector we welcomed back the BBC Showcase and a new client to the city, The Corporate Games. By far the largest amount of business visitors came from the Association Sector. Some organisations that visited included British Academy of Management, British Psychological Society and British Wind Energy Association. 57.13 During 2009 the VisitBrighton Convention Bureau confirmed over 28 conferences for the city which would deliver an estimated Direct Economic Benefit Total of £35m. 57.14 With the appointment of a PR Agency to support the Convention Bureau’s PR and Marketing activity, 2010 promised to be an exciting and productive year. A year in which the Cabinet Member was confident that an increase in confirmed events and higher economic benefit values would be achieved. Wild Planet
57.15 The Cabinet Member reported that having had so much success with the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition, the exhibition & touring teams within Natural History Museum created the first ever exhibition showing a selection of the WPY images spanning 15 years in a single exhibition.
57.16 With the city’s rich arts culture, attractive year around events calendar and diverse audience, Brighton & Hove was identified as a perfect city to host this event. The Cabinet Member was thrilled that Brighton was the first city it visited and that the Brighton & Hove beat Liverpool, Cardiff and Bath in the process.
57.17 The exhibition in Brighton would last for 6 months and would then move to Cardiff. The exhibition overall was expected to ‘tour’ for a five year period both nationally and internationally.
57.18 The National History Museum had estimated that visitor figures could potentially reach 10,000 per week in peak times. These were high figures but considering the ‘following’ this Exhibition had, officers predicted that it would attract extra visitors to the city, thus delivering extra economic benefit.
57.19 It was a great addition to the already high amount of events the city hosted each year and with the exhibition being free of charge; it was felt that it would be visited in high numbers by both new visitors and residents alike.
Whitehawk Football Club
57.20 The Cabinet Member congratulated Whitehawk Football Club on their victory in the FA Carlsberg Vase round 3 game. This was a fantastic achievement. |
Items reserved for discussion (a) Items reserved by the Cabinet Member
(b) Items reserved by the Opposition Spokespersons
(c) Items reserved by Members, with the agreement of the Cabinet Member.
NOTE: Public Questions, Written Questions from Councillors, Petitions, Deputations, Letters from Councillors and Notices of Motion will be reserved automatically. Minutes: 58.1 RESOLVED – That all items be reserved for discussion.
No petitions have been received by the date of publication.
Minutes: 59(i) e-Petition – The Old Market
59.1 The Cabinet Member considered the following e-Petition submitted via the council’s website and signed by 160 people.
“We the undersigned petition the council to give financial support to The Old Market and retain the building as an Arts and Cultural venue for the City.
The Old Market opened its doors in 1998 with a capital debt of £2.3m. That debt has steadily been reduced over the last ten years and now stands at £1.4m. The debt is financed through borrowing with Barclays Bank against the value of the building.
The Old Market Trust has never received any revenue funding for its activities despite regular request to both Brighton & Hove City Council and The Arts Council of England. These requests have been met continually by both organisations stating that although they are supportive of the arts and community use of the building, they cannot support a project with such a capital deficit.
As a consequence of the pressures consistent with the present economic climate the Trust finds itself in a situation where the value of the building does not support the borrowing and thus it has had to look at other avenues to mitigate the historical debt position.
In spring 2008 the Trust embarked on a Planning Application to build two substantial flats on the roof of The Old Market. With the recommendation of the Planning Officers the scheme was put to the Planning Committee in April 2009, but was rejected. A revised application taking into consideration the concerns of the Planning Committee was also presented in a meeting in October 2009, but that scheme was also declined, despite recommendation from the officers.
The scheme presented would have enabled the Trust to significantly reduce its capital borrowing, however now the position is that the Trust are in need of substantial financial support to enable it to continue running the project.”
59.2 The Cabinet Member confirmed that a written response would be made available within 15 working days.
59(ii) Petition – The Old Market
59.3 The
Cabinet Member considered the following petition presented at
Council on 10 December 2009 by Councillor Watkins and signed by
2500 people:
59.4 Councillor Elgood attended the meeting to support the petition. He stressed the value of the Old Market to residents. It was a superb venue with enormous potential and it was an important part of the arts sector in Brighton and Hove. Councillor Elgood had written to the City Council Chief Executive, John Barradell to ask him to put in a bid to buy the Old Market. This request had not been successful; however, Councillor Elgood hoped that the council would be seeking to work with the current management or new management. He reminded the Cabinet Member that the council had given the Old Market a huge amount of money in the past and should seek to protect the venue for the future.
59.5 The Cabinet Member responded as follows: “We understand that The Old Market Trust has now gone into liquidation and is no longer running the Old Market venue. We have seen press reports that the building has been offered for sale and that Brighton Vineyard, a church organisation, has made an offer of purchase.
The city council would not have been able to fund the capital cost of purchasing the building itself or providing revenue for an organisation to run it. If The Old Market does not operate as a venue in the future it is clearly a loss to the city, however, this is something that will be dependent upon any future purchaser and not Brighton and Hove City Council.”
59(iii) e-Petition – Ice Rink
59.6 The Cabinet Member considered the following e-Petition submitted via the council’s website and signed by 461 people. The e-Petition was presented by Debbie Beasley:
“There is currently no permanent ice rink in the whole of Sussex! Ice skating is a great way for people of all ages to have fun, meet new friends and keep active and healthy. Sussex has a long and colourful history with ice skating and many ice hockey players, figure skaters and people who just love to skate desperately need a permanent local ice rink.”
59.7 Debbie Beasley informed the Cabinet Member that she represented the Sussex Ice Skating Club. Many of the members had meet through Facebook groups campaigning for a permanent ice rink in Brighton or somewhere in Sussex. Ms Beasely stressed that an ice rink would provide a benefit to the public by increasing active recreation, improving health and well being, and providing a safe environment for young people. It would also be of benefit as a training facility and as a benefit to the local economy, schools and user groups. Currently young ice skaters had to make the long journey to London. Ms Beasley asked the council to consider actively supporting the petition for a permanent ice rink and to recognise the Sussex Ice Skating Club.
59.8 Ms Beasley submitted the following paper petition signed by 2199 people:
“We the undersigned petition the council to provide a permanent ice rink for Sussex. There is currently no permanent ice rink in the whole of Sussex! Ice skating is a great way for people of all ages to have fun, meet new friends and keep active and healthy. Sussex has a long and colourful history with ice skating and many ice hockey players, figure skaters and people who just love to skate desperately need a permanent local ice rink.”
59.9 The Cabinet Member thanked Ms Beasley and fully endorsed the petitions. He mentioned that the Black Rock development was still ongoing. If it were not possible to secure an Ice Rink in Brighton he would support working in partnership with other authorities to secure an Ice Rink in Sussex. A written response would be available within 15 working days.
59.10 The Director Housing, Culture & Enterprise informed Ms Beasley that the representative of the Sussex Ice Skating Club could be put in touch with officers within the City Council’s sport and leisure division.
59(iv) Petition – Ten-Pin Bowling at the King Alfred
59.11 The Cabinet Member
considered the following petition presented at Council on 10
December 2009 by Councillor Oxley and signed by 112 people:
59.12 The Cabinet Member responded as follows: “The ten-pin bowling at the King Alfred Leisure Centre closed during the 1990’s when the new computerised facility opened at the Marina. The area previously used by the ten-pin facility at the King Alfred remained closed due to the proposed redevelopment. The area is now closed due to its condition and it is beyond economic repair, therefore it would not be possible to re-open the ten pin facility at the King Alfred. In any case it would be unlikely that the city would be able to sustain two ten-pin bowling facilities.”
Public Questions (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 16 March 2010)
No public questions have been received by the date of publication. Minutes: 60.1 There were none.
Deputations (The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 16 March 2010)
No deputations have been received by the date of publication. Minutes: 61.1 There were none.
Letters from Councillors No letters have been received.
Minutes: 62.1 There were none.
Written Questions from Councillors No written questions have been received. Minutes: 63.1 There were none.
Notices of Motions No Notices of Motion have been received by the date of publication.
Minutes: 64.1 There were none.
Brighton Festival Presentation by Andrew Comben, Chief Executive, Brighton Dome & Festival Limited. Minutes: 65.1 The Cabinet Member reported that the Brighton Festival launched last month to great acclaim. The programme had already been well received and ticket sales were going well. The Festival Fringe and Open Houses had also been launched. The Cabinet Member was sure that the City was going to have another successful Brighton Festival season for the city and he welcomed that the Brighton Dome and Festival Director, Andrew Comben who would be giving a presentation to talk through the Festival programme for this year.
65.2 Andrew Comben set out the reasoning behind the programmes for the Brighton Festival 2010. The Festival had started introducing guest directors in 2009. Anish Kapoor had been a great success in that position with the media profile raised by 40% on previous festivals. This year it had been decided to appoint Brian Eno as the guest director. The key reason for his appointment was due to his wide appeal and interests in many areas, including the environment and the arts.
65.3 Mr Comben was pleased to report that the Festival had already reached 52% of the required target in ticket sales in the last four weeks. There was still a further 8 weeks in which to sell tickets.
65.4 Mr Comben reported that the BBC Culture Show had changed its schedule in order to film a live show from Brighton during the Festival. Key events included the Children’s Festival, Howard Goodall’s The Selfish Giant, a concert for children and outdoor and free events such as NoFit State and Electric Hotel.
65.5 Councillor Davis asked if it was necessary to book in advance for free events. Mr Comben replied that some free events such as Electric Hotel did need to be booked in advance as there were limited numbers.
65.6 The Cabinet Member thanked Mr Comben and his team for all their hard work, which was much appreciated. |
Foredown Tower Update
Report of Director of Housing, Culture & Enterprise (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the request for the Community Interest Company becoming the signatory to the lease agreement be approved.
Minutes: 66.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Housing, Culture & Enterprise which reported that negotiations had been taking place regarding a lease agreement with the Hove & Adur Sea Cadets to run Foredown Tower. The Hove & Adur Sea Cadets had now indicated their wish to establish a Community Interest Company and for that company to be the signatory to the lease agreement.
66.2 Councillor Davis asked about the timescales involved. The Principal Solicitor explained that it would take 3 to 4 weeks for the Community Interest Company to be established. The Head of Museums and Royal Pavilion stressed that it had not been possible to finalise the opening day as works needed to be undertaken on the building. The Principal Solicitor informed the meeting that if the report was approved, officers would work with the Hove & Adur Sea Cadets in order to have a minimal delay in opening. It was likely that the Sea Cadets would ask to carry out works before the Community Interest Company was formed.
66.3 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That the request for the Community Interest Company becoming the signatory to the lease agreement, be approved.
Change of Opening Days - Hove Museum & Art Gallery Report of Director of Housing, Culture and Enterprise (copy attached). Decision: (1) That a change in opening days at Hove Museum & Art Gallery from Tuesday-Sunday, closed on Monday, to Thursday-Tuesday, closed on Wednesday be approved.
Minutes: 67.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Housing, Culture & Enterprise which proposed a change of opening days to the public at Hove Museum & Art Gallery.
67.2 RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That a change in opening days at Hove Museum & Art Gallery from Tuesday-Sunday, closed on Monday, to Thursday-Tuesday, closed on Wednesday be approved.