Agenda for Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting on Tuesday, 22nd March, 2011, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Penny Jennings, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Decision: 48(a) Declarations of Interests 48.1 There were none. 49(b) Exclusion of Press and Public 49.2 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Cabinet Member considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100I(I) of the Act). 49.3 RESOLVED - That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda. Minutes: 48(a) Declarations of Interests 48.1 There were none. 49(b) Exclusion of Press and Public 49.2 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Cabinet Member considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100I(I) of the Act). 49.3 RESOLVED - That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 December 2010 (copy attached). Minutes: 49.1 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting held on 7 December 2010 be agreed and signed by the Cabinet Member. |
Cabinet Member's Communications Minutes: Brighton Festival 50.1 The Cabinet Member explained that he had attended the launch for the 2011 Brighton recently, this had gone extremely well and tickets for events were already selling well. There was great excitement about the choice of guest artistic director for 2011.
Festival Fringe
50.2 The Festival Fringe had also launched recently and ticket sales for fringe events were also doing well.
Winter Pride
50.3 The Cabinet Member confirmed that Winter Pride was currently underway with a full range of events programmed from March 2011. Landlord’s consent had recently been given to enable the annual “Pride Festival” at Preston Park in August.
News from the Royal Pavilion & Museums
50.4 The Cabinet Member was very pleased to be able to report that confirmation of funding of £1.153m for 2011-12 had recently been received from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.
Royal Pavilion
50.5 The exhibition, “Dress for Excess Fashion in Regency England” had opened ion 5 February 2011 and was set to run until 5 February 2012. This fashion exhibition celebrated the 200 anniversary of the Regency Act by looking at the life of George IV as Prince of Wales, Prince Regent and King through fashions of the late Georgian period. Costumes were displayed throughout the Pavilion. A new exhibition space, the Prince Regent Gallery would display his extravagant coronation robe, on loan from Madame Tussaud’s had not been seen in public for 30 years.
Brighton Museum, Radical Bloomsbury
50.6 An exhibition showing the art of Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell 1905 – 1925 would run from 16 April to 9 October and was being mounted in conjunction with Charleston. The exhibition would examine the importance of the work of the two most prominent artists within 20 century art, their links with Sussex and their role as pioneers within the British avant garde.
Preston Manor
50.7 Preston Manor was due to re-open its doors to the public on 1 April with new interpretation of the interiors to give visitors a better understanding of life in Edwardian times.
Library News
Council Connect
50.8 This new service had been launched in Patcham Library on Friday 18 March by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Mears. This service would enable local residents to get help in their local library to use the web for all sorts of services, such as requesting repairs to a council property, applying for a school place, or letting the council know if their refuse collection had been missed. People would also be helped to develop their skills to do other things online such as shopping, applying for jobs, setting up an e mail account or sharing photographs. Volunteers had been recruited and trained to help guide people in using the web and would be available for advertised sessions every week in all of the community libraries in the city.
World Book Night and 6 Birthday of Jubiliee Library
50.9 On 5 March, Jubilee Library had opened for a celebration of books and reading, as part of the national “World Book Night” events. Over 1,000 people had visited the library to take part in book-related events. Twenty pre-selected book donors had given away 1,000 copies of their favourite books. Details and film of the events could be seen on the libraries website.
Sports Development Highlights
Brighton Half Marathon
50.10 The Brighton Half- Marathon would celebrate its 21 anniversary on 20 February. Over 8,000 runners had participated on a newer, faster and flatter route. It was great that as a major fundraising event for the HIV charity, the Sussex Beacon, the charity had gone from strength to strength.
Active for Life Directory
50.11 The Cabinet Member explained that the new Active for Life Directory was now available. The Directory was free and gave an A-Z of sports and physical activities, and contained details of over 500 clubs and groups. Copies were available from Libraries, Leisure Centres and council buildings or by contacting the Sports Development Team. An on-line version was also available.
Active for Life Scheme
50.12 The Active for Life scheme had delivered another successful half tem programme of events for young people and their families. The activities had ranged from Soup and Stomp, Street Games to Skateboarding and Hoop Dance and 200 participants had taken part in 9 different sessions.
The Grand Mini Mile Races – Active for Life Training
50.13 As part of the Brighton Marathon Active for Life was delivering a 6 week course of mini mile training sessions for up to 100 local children across the city to enable them to enter the Mini Mile on 10 April 2011.
VisitBrighton, Highlights
50.14 The Cabinet Member stated the VisitBrighton had worked hard to maximise the promotional benefits from the recently released “Brighton Rock” film. Working with the film distributors the Marketing Team had organised and hosted a number of themed press trips for travel journalists. As a result, Brighton Rock related travel features had appeared in several national papers, including the Times, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Sunday Mirror and the Guardian, as well as over 40 regional titles.
50.15 In total over 75 pages of coverage had been achieved with an “advertising value equivalent of over £250,000. Partly due to the extensive media coverage received, the VisitBrighton website had been receiving a record number of visitors, with over 100,000 people viewing the site during January and February a 30% increase on the same period the in 2010. The highest ever number of on-line accommodation bookings had been achieved during February 2011.
50.16 It was noted that the new VisitBrighton Partnership was due to commence on 1 April 2011 and that to date over 280 businesses had re-booked for the coming year.
Visitor Information Centre
50.17 The Cabinet Member reported that the Visitor Information Centre had had its busiest start to the year for five years and had welcomed nearly 54,000 visitors in January/February, traditionally two of the quietest months; this represented a 13% rise on the previous year. The sale of rail tickets sold, £201,626 was up by 30% to date on the figures for 2010.
Brighton Centre Highlights
50.18 The Brighton Centre had had a strong year which had featured 60 shows. Over 42,000 people had visited the “Holiday on Ice - Energia” show during January 2011. For 2011/12 there were already 26 confirmed shows and with a further 45 pencilled dates; these featured a strong comedy element with artists such as Alan Carr, Bill Bailey, Stephen Marchant and Lee Evans all due to perform at the venue. |
Items reserved for discussion (a) Items reserved by the Cabinet Member
(b) Items reserved by the Opposition Spokespersons
(c) Items reserved by Members, with the agreement of the Cabinet Member.
NOTE: Public Questions, Written Questions from Councillors, Petitions, Deputations, Letters from Councillors and Notices of Motion will be reserved automatically. Minutes: 51.1 RESOLVED – That all items be reserved for discussion. |
Petitions No petitions received by date of publication. Minutes: 52.1 There were none. |
Public Questions (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 14 March 2011)
No public questions received by date of publication. Minutes: 53.1 There were none. |
(The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 10 March 2011)
1 deputation has been received. Covering Report of Strategic Director of Resources (copy attached) Additional documents: Minutes: 54.1 The Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism considered a Deputation from Mr Robert Nemeth concerning provision of Skateboarding facilities at Withdean Stadium. A covering report prepared by the Strategic Director of Resources and details of the deputation itself had been circulated in advance with the papers for consideration at that afternoon’s meeting.
54.2 The wording of the Deputation is set out below:
“In its latest incarnation, the site now occupied by Withdean Stadium is of course home to our local football team, Brighton & Hove Albion. Soon though, the Albion will have left. The issue of what happens next is of great relevance to the city generally but to the residents of Withdean in particular.
From its beginnings as Marshall’s Playing Fields to the launch of the finest tennis centre outside Wimbledon and from the building of the stadium for athletics to becoming the home of the Albion, the site has evolved constantly. There was once even a zoo on the site along with a miniature railway.
Having requested the views of the residents of the entirety of Withdean Ward on what should happen to Withdean Stadium when the Albion leave, Cllrs Ann & Ken Norman and I received an overwhelmingly positive response on the issue of youth facilities; in particular, on the installation of a skateboard park on the site.
Many of the replies which we received related to the removal of the ugly but necessary additions which are in place to facilitate the Albion’s stay. Such additions include fence barriers, the south stand, the hospitality suite and a number of smaller portacabins. These issues are all being dealt with by Brighton & Hove City Council – but the removal of the hospitality suite and smaller portacabins is of particular relevance.
The most passionate of the replies submitted to us led to me meeting a group of wonderful young men who are keen to be able to skate close to where they live. Skateboard parks on the Level and by the Lagoon have been tremendously successful and there is clear demand for a similar facility in this part of the city. Bearing in mind the imminent move of the Albion and the inevitable masterplan which will be drawn up for the stadium, now seems an entirely appropriate moment to consider bringing skateboarding to Withdean.
Concerns about noise and safety must be taken into account. It would be wrong to suggest that any proposal does not have both pros and cons. Compared to building other sporting facilities which would be used by the number expected to use a skating facility, the cost is not high. However, there would of course be financial implication to building a ramp at a time when funding is an issue.
The proposal is therefore in its most simple form at this stage. We are proposing that an area should be set aside where the hospitality suite is currently located (or in the position of the smaller portacabins) for skateboarding. This deputation is not about a ramp or other facilities. It is just asking that a clear area be put aside for skateboarding.
We would attempt to raise funds for a ramp in other ways in due course and would hope that the council will look upon such attempts favourably. These are issues for another day though.
At this time, we are simply requesting that a small area is set aside for skateboarders, which can be used as a practice area in the meantime, which can one day be considered for a ramp.”
54.3 The Cabinet Member invited the Deputees to speak in support of their Deputation. George Bone, Stan Hayward-Williams and Miles Clarke spoke as young people who were local residents who supported the request for a Skateboard Park at Withdean and would use one if provided. They referred among other matters to the level of local support for such an option, to the current popularity and use of such facilities, to the fact that it would provide a community facility for local youngsters which would be have positive benefits. Reference was also made to the significant distances to be travelled in order to use other facilities in the city; this coupled with limited public transport made it very difficult for younger children to use those facilities unless taken there by parents or older siblings. A facility in their own area would provide a local safe space as older children could look after and tutor younger ones.
54.4 The Cabinet Member responded in the following terms:
“Thank you for your deputation Mr Nemeth which is very helpful. Officers will be working on a masterplan for the future sporting provision at the Withdean Stadium complex. I will therefore ask officers to consider your proposal as part of that masterplan.
54.5 RESOLVED – That the contents of the deputation and the response of the Cabinet Member for Culture Recreation and Tourism be noted. |
Letters from Councillors No letters have been received. Minutes: 55.1 There were none. |
Written Questions from Councillors No written questions have been received from Councillors. Minutes: 56.1 There were none. |
Notices of Motions No Notices of Motion have been received by the date of publication. Minutes: 57.1 There were none. |
Executive Response to Ad-Hoc Scrutiny Panel Report on Cultural Services for Young People
Report of the Strategic Director of Communities (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: (1) To congratulate the panel on the detailed and well informed work undertaken to produce their report; and
(2) To mandate commissioners to make the best use of existing resources to act upon these informed findings in shaping delivery as detailed in the body of the report
Minutes: 58.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities setting out the Executive response to the Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel on Cultural Provision for Children and Young People set up by the Culture Tourism & Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Panel (CTEOSC).
58.2 The Commissioner for Culture explained that the ad-hoc scrutiny panel had been set up by the Culture, Tourism & and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (CETEOSC) to consider the provision of services for children and young people across the city both by the council and by other organisations; to look at the current deployment of resources; to identify any gaps in provision; and to identify areas of good practice, with a view to making recommendations for the future of cultural services for children and young people in the city.
58.3 Councillor Davis, who had chaired the Panel commended the response and the positive and practical approach taken in addressing the recommendations arising from the scrutiny panel. The response in relation to Recommendation 7 in particular was welcomed. Anything further which could be done in order to help break down logistical barriers and to make the services available through the council’s libraries and museums more accessible (Recommendation 10) would also be welcomed. The Commissioner of Culture responded ongoing work was continuing in respect of all of the recommendations to ensure that they were carried forward in the most appropriate way. Work was being undertaken to build on the existing “viewfinder” facility. The on-line “express blog” had also proved to be very popular and further work was also being undertaken in relation to that.
58.4 RESOLVED - (1) That the Cabinet Member congratulates the panel on the detailed and well informed work undertaken to produce their report; and
(2) That the commissioners be mandates to make the best use of existing resources to act upon these informed findings in shaping delivery as detailed in the body of the report |
Seafront Lettings Policy Report of the Strategic Director of Communities (copy attached) Decision: (1) That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism approves the policy for lettings, licences and leases on the seafront as set out in Paragraph 3 of the report. Minutes: 59.1 The Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities setting out the proposed policy for the lettings of licences and leases on the seafront.
59.2 As freehold owner of most of the land all along the seafront from Hove to Saltdean had the opportunity to enable a range of different uses to take place along the seafront for the benefit of residents and visitors. The policy was intended to provide a framework for officers to manage the numerous requests for leases and licences from operators of the seafront. The management of the seafront property portfolio would be further informed by the emerging Seafront Strategy and would form the subject of further member consultation and a future report.
59.3 Councillor Davis queried whether and what changes were proposed as to her the policy seemed to mirror the existing procedures. It was explained that this was the case and that the policy sought to formalise existing custom and practice and to provide a framework for future decision making.
59.4 RESOLVED - That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism approves the policy for lettings, licences and leases on the seafront as set out in Paragraph 3 of the report. |
Letting People Know : Presentation on Citywide Marketing Initiatives Presentation by Commissioner of Culture Minutes: 60.1 David Murray the Strategic Director, Communities detailing the various city wide initiatives which were on offer across the city. The city provided a diverse cultural and sporting offer for residents and visitors alike. It was considered that it was important to ensure that residents and visitors, were aware of forthcoming events well in advance and were aware of where they could access that information. officers’ recognised that it was frustrating when people became aware of an event after it had taken place and were looking ways in which information in relation to forthcoming events could be circulated most effectively. Councillor Davis referred to the fact that “City News” was not received by all homes in the city and the and that this needed to be taken account of.
60.2 The Strategic Director also referred to citywide initiatives including a cultural calendar (it was proposed to provide, a four page pull out section in “City News”) signposting, a monthy mailout and city shorts (opportunities in concert with other partners to publicise events that everyone could participate in); clips could be posted which highlighted “hidden gems” around the city as well as immediately reconisable images which were synonymous with the city e.g, the Royal Pavilion, the Pier.
60.3 The option of a Residents Card was being explored although careful thought would need to be given as to how this would operate in practice. Discussions were also taking place with the Arts Commission to identify and target a broader audience. The city was famous for many reasons, the Annual Festival for instance, was a word class event and it was important to maintain the city’s position and profile as burgeoning metropolis with a cultural edge. Mr Murray also emphasised the need to “join up” in order to ensure that there was no duplication or waste and that there was a seamless drive to make the city’s offer as diverse as possible.
60.4 The Cabinet Member stated that the city had boasted some iconic buildings and commended the initiatives the highlight their uniqueness, citing the lighting which had been installed to the bandstand on the sea front and the skating rink provided during the winter months at the Royal Pavilion. On going measures being explored to publicise the wide city’s wide ranging cultural and sporting calendar locally and nationally were also welcomed. Councillor Davis concurred in that view.
60.5 RESOLVED – That the contents of the presentation be noted.
Thanks to Officers
In closing the meeting the Cabinet Member thanked Officers for their continued hard work and high standards of professionalism over the past year stating that he wished this to be placed on record. |