Agenda for Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Members Meeting on Tuesday, 27th March, 2012, 2.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: John Peel Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Minutes: 89(a) Declarations of Interests 89.1 There were none. 89(b) Exclusion of Press and Public 89.2 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Cabinet Member considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100I(I) of the Act). 89.3 RESOLVED - That the press and public not be from the meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 110 KB Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 January 2012 (copy attached). Minutes: 90.1 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 January 2012 be agreed and signed as the correct record.
Minutes of the previous Special Meeting PDF 74 KB Minutes of the previous Special Meeting hedl on 17 February 2012 (copy attached). Minutes: 91.1 RESOLVED- That the minutes of the previous Special Meeting held on 17 February 2012 be approved and signed as the correct record.
Cabinet Members' Communications Minutes: 92.1 Councillor West provided the following communications:
92.2 ‘Councillor Davey unfortunately could not be here today as he is attending an important Euro Cities Mobility Forum in The Netherlands where we are seeking additional EU funding and engagement with partner cities to work with us on a range of Transport projects including taking forward a Freight Strategy. Councillor Davey is sorry that he is unable to be here today to agree progress on a number of important projects that he has been steering. Councillor Randall has agreed to delegate responsibility for Ian’s Transport & Public Realm portfolio to me while he is away and I will therefore be making Cabinet Member decisions on Ian’s behalf during this meeting’. 92.3 ‘I am delighted to announce that following a competitive bidding process, the city council has been successful in securing £3.5 million additional grant funding through the Department for Transport's Better Bus Areas fund. The funding is split between the next two financial years and will be used to deliver projects designed to make journeys by bus quicker and more attractive. Improvements will be focussed on the Valley Gardens area, the Edward Street/Eastern Road corridor, and to improve bus facilities as part of the Lewes Road scheme. Bus services in the Lewes Road area will also be improved by increasing the frequency of key routes and extending others to serve additional areas. The funding supplements the existing £4.2 million already won through the government's Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme, and brings the total amount of external funding brought in to improve transport during this administration to over £8 million, which is quite unprecedented’. 92.4 ‘As you will be aware, we have experienced two years of below average rainfall, and the city’s ground water sources are now at a low level. These drought conditions are of great concern to the Council, and we are doing what we can to prepare and also cut our own water use. For example, we have introduced water saving measures in the Brighton Centre, which are saving 13,000 litres a day and £9,200 a year. We are also introducing more sustainable perennial plantings in our parks and gardens. The Council has a role to play, and has concern for the city’s well-being of the city, but responsibility for water supply in the city lies with Southern Water. We are submitting a strong response to Southern Water’s consultation on its drought plan, and I will say, we have been urging Southern Water to respond with a greater sense of urgency as the likelihood of a drought has emerged. With our complete reliance on chalk groundwater sources, the City is at greater risk of longer term drought events. We are therefore urging Southern Water to bring forward its programme of universal metering, as metering generally sees a reduction in water consumption by 10-15%. We are also urging Southern Water to bring forward accompanying measures that will support residents making those savings. The Council has adopted a Climate Change Strategy which looks for the city to adapt well to the impacts of climate change. More frequent drought is one of those impacts we need to become used to. We will also be adopting a One Planet Living approach, of which sustainable water is a key element. To ensure, as a city, we adapt well and avoid risks to our local economy and environment, the City needs to see serious investment in relation to climate change adaption. I hope that if one good thing emerges from the drought this year it will be an awakening of the need make that investment. In the meantime, we must all do what we can to immediately save water, and residents and business will be able to find helpful tips from the Environment Agency and Southern Water on our website with links to their pages too’.
Items reserved for discussion (a) Items reserved by the Cabinet Members
(b) Items reserved by the Opposition Spokespersons
(c) Items reserved by Members, with the agreement of the Cabinet Members.
NOTE: Public Questions, Written Questions from Councillors, Petitions, Deputations, Letters from Councillors and Notices of Motion will be reserved automatically. Minutes: 93.1 RESOLVED – That all items be reserved for discussion.
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources (copy attached). Minutes: 94(i) Remove cycling ban on Hove Promenade
94i.1 The petitioner did not attend the meeting therefore a response was provided in writing and is set out below:
94i.2 Councillor West provided the following response:
‘Thank you for your petition. As you may be aware, there are other areas in the city where people cycling and walking are able to share space together respectfully. In Brighton & Hove ‘pedestrian priority’ measures on The Undercliff Walk were introduced last year and I understand are working well, and there has been a reduction in the number of complaints about cycle and pedestrian conflict. The work on The Undercliff involved commissioning an independent study to understand the existing situation, assessing the numbers of people already walking & cycling and also working with key stakeholders and business on the Undercliff Walk to reach a viable solution for everyone – walking, cycling, running, dog-walking etc. Therefore I will be asking officers to undertake a similar study on the viability of allowing cycling along suitable parts of Hove Promenade’.
94i.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted
94(ii) Parking restrictions in The Droveway, Hove
94ii.1 The petitioner did not attend the meeting therefore a response was provided in writing and is set out below:
94ii.2 Councillor West provided the following response:
‘Thank you for your petition which I formally note. I am personally familiar with the traffic problems in the Drove Way. I understand that residents are concerned about inconsiderate parking, commuter parking and displacement of vehicles from neighbouring streets with existing restrictions Some residents have requested single yellow lines with a time restriction, whilst another option is a residents parking scheme Single yellow lines on both sides of the road with a time restriction would need to be considered as part of the City Wide Parking Review consultation. This is because they would constitute a form of residents parking control that would have wider implications on the local area and would require consultation as part of that Strategic Review. I am therefore asking that officers consider your request as part of that review which will report back with recommendations later this year’.
94iii.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
94(iv) Brighton & Hove Albion football supporter’s inconsiderate parking in the East Moulsecoomb area
94iv.1 The petitioner did not attend the meeting therefore a response was provided in writing and is set out below:
94iv.2 Councillor West provided the following response:
‘Thank you for your petition. I am aware of the difficulties that have been experienced by residents in Moulsecoomb, and also Coldean, in association with increased parking on Saturday afternoons and weekday evenings when football matches are being played at the Amex Stadium. I also recognise that the club is making a good effort to maintain high levels of sustainable transport use to enable the 20,000 plus supporters that are attending each game and enjoying the Amex Stadium and the success that the club is having on the pitch. But we also need to ensure that local residents are not disadvantaged by the actions of some of those supporters. The particular concern expressed in this petition relates to inconsiderate parking, which can cause obstruction and damage verges, and I know that the Police have now started to clamp down on this type of behaviour and I hope that this will make a difference.
The council and the club are taking other actions as well, and these include: · regular Resident Liaison Group meetings with the club, which I would encourage local Resident Associations to get involved in; · We are working actively with the club and other partners to address transport issues and the council chairs the stadium Travel Management Group. · It is proposed to introduce some double yellow lines in certain roads to stop parking that has obstructed buses. · We have agreed to allow the club to use some land near the Falmer Academy for parking, subject to planning permission being granted. · The council and club have jointly commissioned an independent report to help study transport and traffic issues. · And, the Council is also developing proposals to support transport arrangements along the Lewes Road Corridor that will be discussed later in the meeting.
This petition is timely given that the club have made a planning application to increase the number of seats in the stadium. We are looking very carefully at all the information that has been submitted, especially what it says about addressing parking in local roads. Whilst my colleague Cllr Davey and I will ensure that the petition is taken into account by officers when the planning application is considered, we will also be actively seeking the development of some form of match and event day parking scheme. I hope this is re-assuring, but as the planning processes are underway with the Football Club, I won’t say more at this stage.
94iv.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
94(v) Loading restrictions on Western Road
94v.1 Mr Campbell presented a petition signed by 556 people requesting that proposed loading restrictions on Western Road not be introduced.
94v.2 Councillor West provided the following response:
Thank you for your petition, which I note. This relates to Item 105 of this agenda, and I would in particular draw attention to the summary of objection on page 116. I do sympathise with your request, but Western Road is one of the most congested urban roads in the city. We have received numerous requests from the bus companies to make changes in order to ease the disruption to the bus services, which are caused by indiscriminate parking along this section of Western Road. The parked cars also impact on cyclists and other road users who must navigate around them. It is quite clear congestion is particularly bad here during morning and evening peak periods on both sides of the road. Officers have investigated alternative arrangements for loading, however, no loading bays are viable on Western Road itself and there are very few possible locations on side roads. Although we have been lobbied for more restrictive proposals on both sides of the road, we are aware of the importance of allowing servicing of shops and businesses. So, we are proposing the compromise of a “peak hours only” loading prohibition on one side of the road between Holland Road and Montpelier Road).
94v.3 Councillor Theobald stated that the petitioner had made valid points and asked Councillor West to reject the proposals. He believed a more flexible approach on this issue was successfully operated in other countries in mainland Europe.
94v.4 Councillor West noted that the Council had also been lobbied in favour of the proposals as evidenced on page 116 of the agenda.
94v.5 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
94(vi) Resident Parking Charge for low emission vehicles
94vi.1 The petitioner did not attend the meeting therefore a response was provided in writing and is set out below:
94vi.2 Councillor West provided the following response:
Thank you for your petition. I am satisfied that the existing charging schemes provide adequate support and incentive for low emission vehicles owners in the City. There is currently a permit scheme in place for residents with electric vehicles that allows them to charge the vehicle for free. To date, 30 vehicles are registered for free permits and there are 9 electric vehicle charging points around the city where anyone with an electric vehicle can park and charge their vehicle for free. There is also a 50% reduced rate permit scheme for residents who own low emission vehicles.
94vi.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 20 March 2012)
No public questions received by date of publication. Minutes: 95.1 The Cabinet Member reported that one public question had been received.
95.2 Mr Pennigton asked the following question:
“Given the local Craven Vale Community Association/Local Action team was not advised properly of the start of the formal consultation (thus reducing significantly the number of responses), and given the St Mary’s Church Hall exhibition was not located near Canning Street even though there was a nearer venue in Hadlow Close and given it will be more likely that there will be much parking displacement into the adjoining streets of Bakers Bottom caused by this extension of Zone H, will the parking team monitor the situation to show the extent of that parking displacement for at least one year?”
95.3 The Cabinet Member gave the following response:
“Thank you for your question.
Residents in the Baker’s Bottom area and wider Hanover area were given the opportunity to comment on whether they wanted a resident parking scheme in 2010 but rejected the proposal. However, residents in the Canning Street and Richmond Heights area were in favour of a scheme so the Council are re-consulting the roads directly affected to see whether they would like a resident parking scheme to be taken forward to the formal TRO consultation stage.
The staffed exhibition took place in St Mary’s Hall in George Street which is a 5-10 minute walk from both the Richmond Heights and Canning Street areas. I appreciate the preferred location would be directly in the areas but unfortunately suitable locations were not found which allowed daytime and evening use.
The overall parking scheme consultation will be discussed later in the meeting. If taken forward the proposals will be advertised through a traffic order to allow formal comments from members of the public in April / May. This will include notices on street, a notice in the press and details on the Council website.
All comments and objections to the formal consultation will then be presented to a further Environment / Transport Committee meeting later in the year for a final decision on the way forward. The further report will go into more detail about the design of the scheme and the comments received”.
95.4 Mr Pennington stated that he was not aware that the formal consultation had not yet begun. He asked that Hadlow Place be used for such events in future.
95.5 The Cabinet Member replied that the request would be taken into account for future events. The Parking Infrastructure Manager stated that Hadlow Place had been used for such events in the past but was unavailable this time due to a difficulty with times.
Deputations (The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 20 March 2012)
No deputations received by date of publication. Minutes: 96.1 There were none.
Letters from Councillors No letters have been received. Minutes: 97.1 There were none.
Written Questions from Councillors No written questions have been received. Minutes: 98.1 There were none.
Notices of Motions No Notices of Motion have been received by the date of publication. Minutes: 99.1 There were none.
The Level Redevelopment Contract Procurement PDF 78 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Decision: That the Cabinet Member for Environment approves the tender of the contract for the construction works on The Level and gives delegated authority to the Strategic Director, Place in consultation with Director of Finance to award the contract.
Minutes: 100.1 Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that sought approval for the procurement of a contract for the construction work as part of The Level restoration project.
100.2 Councillor West stated that he was very pleased to be presenting the report that sought approval for the procurement of the construction contract for the redevelopment of The Level. The contract would be key to delivering the improvements to The Level including restoration of the heritage features, construction of the new café, toilets, play areas and the new water feature. Councillor West stated that works on site will commence in the autumn with the majority being completed ready for next summer.
100.3 Councillor Mitchell asked if local labour would be used by the successful bidder.
100.4 The Head of Projects & Strategy replied that he was unable to answer the question fully at this time but the contract procurement would be undertaken in line with Brighton & Hove City Council’s Contract Procurement Strategy.
100.5 Councillor Theobald asked if the skate park would still be located in the northern area of the park.
100.6 Councillor West replied that a decision had been taken on the location of the skate park. Officers were now working on the ‘soft detail’ of the project.
100.7 Councillor Theobald asked if there would be further report on the skate park to a future meeting with a health and safety risk assessment.
100.8 The Head of Projects & Strategy answered that the proposals would be submitted to the Planning Committee. The health and safety risk assessment would be included in the information submitted.
100.9 RESOLVED- That the Cabinet Member for Environment approves the tender of the contract for the construction works on The Level and gives delegated authority to the Strategic Director, Place in consultation with Director of Finance to award the contract.
Biosphere Reserve Work Plan and Consultation and Engagement Plan PDF 109 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Cabinet Member notes the progress made on the project
2. That the Cabinet Member approves the next key milestone in the work plan
3. That the Cabinet Member approves the communication and engagement plan
Minutes: 101.1 Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that set out progress made towards Brighton and Hove achieving UN Biosphere Reserve status and sought approval for the next stages of the work plan and engagement and communication plan.
101.2 Councillor West stated that he was very pleased to present the report which set out the progress of Biosphere project, and the next steps towards submission of the bid to UNESCO. Councillor West added that Biosphere was about conserving the natural environment, not just for enjoyment and health, but also to protect essential requirements for life such as clean water and air, and local food production, now and in the long term. Part of the project included research and education and the role of the Universities and Rangers would be key. It also encouraged the city’s economy to develop in ways that wouldn’t have a detrimental impact on the environment through developing eco-tourism, green industries and moving to a low carbon economy. Councillor West supplemented that key partners had signed up to the project including four neighbouring local authorities, the National Park, the National Trust, the Sussex Wildlife Trust and the Environment Agency. The Biosphere project would be hugely beneficial for the city and the surrounding area, bringing together the wide range of work being undertaken and delivering coordinated actions to conserve the environment It would help raise the profile of Brighton & Hove nationally and internationally, and provide opportunities for sustainable economic development The Biosphere bid had already played a key part in the successful joint Nature Improvement Area funding bid with the national park worth £660k. This would bring approximately £116k of external funding into the city for habitat improvement and get the public more involved in their environment. Councillor West stated that he was looking forward to the formal launch of the Biosphere in May and the subsequent public engagement activity to help inform the management plan submitted as part of the final bid.
101.3 The Biosphere Project Officer gave a presentation that provided further information on Biosphere functions and the work underway and planned in Brighton and Hove.
101.4 Councillor Theobald asked for an update as to the £237,000 earmarked for open access land in Ditchling Rise.
101.5 The Head of City Infrastructure replied that she believed this referred to funding for improvements to Downland which was due to be spent over a number of years. Some of the funds had already been used for improvements to open access.
101.6 Councillor Mitchell thanked the Biosphere Project Officer for his presentation. She agreed that Brighton and Hove had all the component parts to achieve Biosphere Reserve status, stating her relief that work was underway on a project that had been earmarked in 2006 but also her disappointment that progress had not been communicated earlier. Councillor Mitchell asked the reasoning behind the 2013 deadline for completion of the bid.
101.7 Councillor West agreed that it would have been ideal to provide information at an earlier date however; the Biosphere Project Officer had only been undertaking work since being appointed to the post in September 2011.
101.8 The Biosphere Project Officer stated that the 2013 deadline arose because there was an 18 month timescale for bid submission. This would ensure that the bid would be comprehensive and thorough. He supplemented that work was being actively guided by the Biosphere Partnership who had extensive experience and would assist in guaranteeing that the application was of a very high standard.
1. That the Cabinet Member notes the progress made on the project
2. That the Cabinet Member approves the next key milestone in the work plan
3. That the Cabinet Member approves the communication and engagement plan
Lewes Road LSTF Project - Update and Next Steps PDF 102 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Cabinet Member formally notes the outcome of the initial public consultation
2. That the Cabinet Member agrees the principles of the schemes set out in this report and grants permission to consult with local people in accordance with the timescales outlined.
Minutes: 102.1 Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that shared the results of the public consultation on infrastructure improvements to Lewes Road and details as to the nature of the infrastructure changes the Council was seeking to deliver.
102.2 Councillor West stated that he was pleased to present the report that provided an update on the progress made so far with the Lewes Road Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) project and outlined the proposed next steps. Councillor West noted that there has been a strong response to the initial consultation that had indicated that sustainable modes, bus, foot and bike were the predominant travel modes for local people. Respondents had also reported that their travel experience was poor, blighted by congestion, inconsiderate parking, and for cyclists a lack of actual and perceived safety. Councillor West said that the information gathered from local people had been used to help identify and design specific improvement schemes for Lewes Road. The proposals identified had been developed in partnership with members of the local community and had support from a number of key stakeholders including Brighton and Sussex Universities, Brighton & Hove Buses, The Big Lemon, Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club and The Jo Walters Trust - a charity set up by the family of Jo Walters who died cycling to University on Lewes Road in 2010. Councillor West added that being able to travel safely and sustainable along the Lewes Road is of great importance to local residents and business, but also to the city as a whole. With plans to expand the Amex Stadium, the Albion were keen to build on their success in encouraging fans to travel sustainably, and the Lewes Road improvements would be key to enabling that. Councillor West supplemented that the improvements would also underpin sustainable travel choices for those experiencing the new national park, and the developing Eco Tourism offer. Councillor West stated that a second consultation on the detailed proposals outlined in the report would take place in April 2012 for a further 6 week period. Subject to the results of that consultation, construction work could commence in late 2012.
102.3 The Principal Transport Planning Officer gave a short presentation that provided more detail on the area, initial consultation and the proposals.
102.4 Councillor Mitchell expressed her disappointment that she had not received a briefing from officers regarding the consultation or the proposals before the meeting adding that it was essential that opposition Members were kept informed particularly on a major project such as this. Councillor Mitchell went on to congratulate officers for the work carried out thus far however; she had a number of concerns. Councillor Mitchell felt that the delays caused when work was underway and the general shifting of attitudes to travel had to be managed carefully. She recommended that motorists be offered something in return such as a football matchday park and ride scheme. She also had concern as a ward councillor for any increases in the number of buses travelling along Eastern Road that was already serviced by twenty four buses an hour and experienced significant traffic problems.
102.5 Councillor West apologised to Councillor Mitchell for the lack of a briefing on the project adding that it was important for opposition Members to be kept informed on such a major undertaking. Councillor West agreed that there would be a cross over period when the work was being carried out. The Principal Transport Planning Officer supplemented that the work proposed for Eastern Road was the development of a bus priority infrastructure not an increase in the number of buses.
102.6 Councillor Theobald asked how turnings would be managed if a lane was removed from Lewes Road, how utility company work would be managed whilst the work was ongoing and if measures would be introduced to the south of the Vogue Gyratory as well as the north.
102.7 The Principal Transport Planning Officer clarified that right turn dividers would remain along Lewes Road for right turns, that a Permit Scheme was being proposed to manage works undertaken by utility companies and that research had demonstrated that by alleviating traffic problems to the north of the Vogue Gyratory would ease the problems in the south.
1. That the Cabinet Member formally notes the outcome of the initial public consultation
2. That the Cabinet Member agrees the principles of the schemes set out in this report and grants permission to consult with local people in accordance with the timescales outlined.
Resident Parking Scheme Consultations PDF 79 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision:
1. That the Cabinet Member approves the extension of the Area C Residents Parking Scheme (Richmond Heights area) be progressed to the final design and the Traffic Regulation Order advertised
2. That the Cabinet Member approves the extension of the Area H Residents Parking Scheme (Canning Street) be progressed to the final design and the Traffic Regulation Order advertised
3. That the order should be placed for all required pay and display equipment to ensure implementation of the extension of the proposed parking schemes if agreed is undertaken as programmed.
Minutes: 103.1 Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that requested extensions of the Area C and Area H Resident Parking Schemes and the necessary pay and display equipment to ensure implementation.
103.2 Councillor West introduced the report which considered the outcome of the public consultations undertaken. The first was for a proposed extension to the Area C Residents Parking Scheme (Queens Park area) into the Richmond Heights area and the second for a proposed extension to the Area H resident parking scheme (RSCH area) into Canning Street. Councillor West stated that there was a good response rate to both consultations, with majority support among respondents in favour of resident parking schemes being implemented. Councillor West added that ward councillors had also been consulted and expressed their support for taking this forward to the formal Traffic Order consultation.
103.3 Councillor Mitchell noted her concern regarding overflow in both areas.
103.4 The Parking Infrastructure Manager replied that these areas would be monitored as part of the Strategic Citywide Parking Review.
1. That the Cabinet Member approves the extension of the Area C Residents Parking Scheme (Richmond Heights area) be progressed to the final design and the Traffic Regulation Order advertised
2. That the Cabinet Member approves the extension of the Area H Residents Parking Scheme (Canning Street) be progressed to the final design and the Traffic Regulation Order advertised
3. That the order should be placed for all required pay and display equipment to ensure implementation of the extension of the proposed parking schemes if agreed is undertaken as programmed.
Permit Scheme Briefing Report PDF 94 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Decision: 1. That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to draw up a business case considering the need for and impact of a Permit Scheme for Brighton & Hove which will be presented to a Committee Meeting in Autumn 2012.
2. That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to engage the specialist service of consultants in the creation of the business case and considers funding this from the 2012/13 Local Transport Plan allocation. Estimated cost of this work is £10-£15k. Minutes: 104.1 Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that outlined actions that the council would have to undertake to introduce a permit scheme in Brighton and Hove following a Notice of Motion agreed at Full Council in October 2011.
104.2 Councillor West stated that he was pleased to present the report which discussed the provision of a Permit Scheme for the city. There was considerable interest both politically and from all road users where delays due to road works cause disruption and ways to reduce this must be considered. Councillor West said that a permit scheme would give more direct control of road works on the city’s streets; road workers would have to seek permission rather than the current requirement to simply provide notice to the Council of their intention to do work. Councillor West added that a permit scheme should be cost neutral and was not an opportunity for the council to raise income from utility companies. Council works would also be “permitted” and parity must be shown between Council and non council highway works. Councillor West stated that the report recommended creating a full business case which would in turn help the Council to decide if a Permit Scheme was operationally and financially appropriate for the city. Councillor West noted a change to the report recommendation 2.1 which would read ‘presented to a Committee Meeting’ rather than ‘presented to a CMM’ due to changes to the authorities’ governance structure effective from May 2012.
104.3 Councillor Theobald enquired as to the timescale of the scheme.
104.4 The Highway & Traffic Manager estimated that it would take two years to implement if the business case was made. This was due to financial, legal and IT complications and the possibility that permission may need to be sought from the Secretary of State. This would also include a ‘shadow’ system in place for six to eight months.
1. That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to draw up a business case considering the need for and impact of a Permit Scheme for Brighton & Hove which will be presented to a Committee Meeting in Autumn 2012.
2. That the Cabinet Member authorises officers to engage the specialist service of consultants in the creation of the business case and considers funding this from the 2012/13 Local Transport Plan allocation. Estimated cost of this work is £10-£15k. |
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet Member is recommended to (having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections):
Approve the Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order No.* 201* and Brighton & Hove (Waiting & Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 amendment Order No.* 201* and Brighton & Hove Seafront (Various Restrictions) Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment No.* 201* with the following amendments:
a) The proposed relocation of permit parking bay in New Church Road is to be removed from the Traffic order due to reasons outlined in section 3.7
b) The proposed extension to loading bay in Applesham Avenue is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.8
c) The proposed removal of loading bay in Ashford Road is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.11
d) The proposed double yellow lines in Coombe Rise are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.13
e) The proposed double yellow lines in Ovingdean Road are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.14
f) The proposed extension to double yellow lines in St Aubyn’s Road are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.16
g) The proposed double yellow lines and single yellow lines in Hazeldene Meads and The Beeches are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.17
h) The Proposed double yellow lines in Tongdean Rise are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.18
i) The proposed removal of loading ban in Madeira Drive is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.19
Minutes: 105.1 Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that requested approval for various changes to Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) following consideration of the comments, support and objections received.
105.2 Councillor West explained that the Council received a significant amount of requests for changes to parking throughout the City and the report responded to the request of residents, businesses and Ward Councillors. The report considered the comments, support and objections received to an amendment Traffic Regulation Order and contained proposals for 150 roads. The amendments include the provision of safety improvements such as waiting restrictions to improve visibility at junctions and often help to improve sustainable transport.
105.3 Councillor Mitchell asked for specific monitoring of the suggested location for a loading bay in Valley Road as the site was near a busy junction that led to 480 houses. She was concerned that delivery vehicles at the loading bay would restrict driver visibility and was potentially dangerous.
105.4 Councillor West agreed and asked officers if a risk assessment could be conducted for the site before implementation.
105.5 The Parking Infastructure Manager replied that a risk assessment would be conducted at the proposed site.
105.6 Councillor Theobald asked for a deferral of the decision for a loading ban on Western Road for further consideration or to introduce measures on both sides of the road.
105.7 Councillor West replied that he was content that a compromise had been reached and all views had been considered. The Parking Infrastructure Manager added that introducing a loading ban on only one side would be less disruptive to parking. It was explained that there are two main reasons why the loading ban is on the north side of the road only. Firstly, if the restriction were applied to both sides of the road more signs and lining would have to be installed which will increase the amount of clutter and add to the cost of maintenance. Secondly, having two sets of restrictions would be more confusing to motorists with different times applied to different sides of the road. The confusion this causes is a common complaint from members of the public. The Parking Infrastructure Manager said there are also slightly more opportunities to park within pay and display exclusive bays on the side streets on the north side of Western Road.
105.8 RESOLVED- The Cabinet Member (having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections):
Approves the Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order No.* 201* and Brighton & Hove (Waiting & Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 amendment Order No.* 201* and Brighton & Hove Seafront (Various Restrictions) Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment No.* 201* with the following amendments:
a) The proposed relocation of permit parking bay in New Church Road is to be removed from the Traffic order due to reasons outlined in section 3.7
b) The proposed extension to loading bay in Applesham Avenue is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.8
c) The proposed removal of loading bay in Ashford Road is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.11
d) The proposed double yellow lines in Coombe Rise are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.13
e) The proposed double yellow lines in Ovingdean Road are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.14
f) The proposed extension to double yellow lines in St Aubyn’s Road are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.16
g) The proposed double yellow lines and single yellow lines in Hazeldene Meads and The Beeches are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.17
h) The Proposed double yellow lines in Tongdean Rise are to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.18
i) The proposed removal of loading ban in Madeira Drive is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.19
North Laine cycle permeability PDF 85 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Cabinet Member gives approval to advertise the proposed cycle contraflow facilities in a Traffic Regulation Order and that if any objections are received they would be considered at a future Environment & Sustainability Committee Meeting.
Minutes: 106.1 Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that outlined proposals for introducing a contraflow cycle network in the North Laine area and sought permission to advertise the associated Traffic Regulation Orders for the first phase of streets where contraflow cycling networks can be introduced.
106.2 Councllor West stated that he was very pleased to receive the report which identified twelve streets that would require only minor changes to make them suitable for cycle contraflow facilities. He added that enabling cycle contra flow in these streets will provide valuable new links through the area. Together these streets would form the basis of the first cycle contraflow network in the city. This will significantly improve ease of access for cycle users: helping to increase transport choice and offer support for active travel. Councillor West stated that Contraflow cycling was already common in the North Laine and these new measures would help to address some of the concerns raised by local businesses and residents regarding cyclists who use pavements and twittens. Councillor West noted that the proposals had been taken to a number of public meetings, and had been largely well received, particularly by The North Laine Traders Association. Councillor West added the work would continue with local groups to iron out any emerging issues whilst seeking to keep the measures as simple and easily understood as possible.
106.3 RESOLVED- That the Cabinet Member gives approval to advertise the proposed cycle contraflow facilities in a Traffic Regulation Order and that if any objections are received they would be considered at a future Environment & Sustainability Committee Meeting.