Agenda for Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) on Thursday, 17th March, 2016, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Auditorium - The Brighthelm Centre
Contact: Ross Keatley Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item |
Procedural Business (a) Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.
(b) Declarations of Interest:
(a) Disclosable pecuniary interests; (b) Any other interests required to be registered under the local code; (c) Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.
In each case, you need to declare (i) the item on the agenda the interest relates to; (ii) the nature of the interest; and (iii) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.
If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part Two of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Declarations of Substitutes
135.1 Councillor Meadows was present in substitution for Councillor Bewick.
(b) Declarations of Interest
135.2 There were no declarations of interests in matters listed on the agenda.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public
135.3 The Chair noted that there were no Part Two items listed on the agenda. |
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2016 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: 136.1 RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2016 as a correct record. |
Chair's Communications Additional documents: Minutes: 137.1 The Chair gave the following communications:
‘This is meeting is webcast live and capable of repeated viewing.
Announcements in yesterday’s Budget will take time to analyse and digest, but I am sure members would join me in asking for clarity at the earliest possible juncture on how it is proposed that our schools will become academies, and when we will receive full compensation for the loss of business rates from small and medium sized enterprises.
It is Apprenticeship week – I look forward to the launch of the Employer Pledge and the report of the Employer Skills Task Force tomorrow morning, and yesterday was the final meeting of the Fairness Commission, and I would like to thank all those who have taken part in the public sessions.
And good luck to everyone taking part in Sport Relief this weekend particularly the Sport Relief mile in Preston Park on Sunday, which I know a number of councillors are doing for charity, and no, I won’t be joining them but I will be sponsoring.’ |
Call Over (a) Items (141 – 155) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.
(b) Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed. Additional documents: Minutes: 138.1 The following items were reserved for discussion:
Item 141 Adoption of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1 Item 142 Agreement to Schedule of Charges for Pre-Application Planning Advice Item 144 Treasury Management Policy Statement 2016/17 Item 145 Annual Investment Strategy 2016/17 Item 146 Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/2017 Item 147 2016/17 Local Transport Plan Capital Programme Item 148 Permission To Tender For Home Care Item 150 Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2016/17 And Programme of Works for the Council’s Operational Buildings Item 151 Asset Management Fund 2016/17 Item 152 Housing Delivery Options Item 153 New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme Approval - Selsfield Drive Site Item 154 New Homes For Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme Approval - Wellsbourne, Whitehawk Item 155 New England House & Longley Industrial Estate
138.2 The Democratic Services Manager confirmed that the items listed above had been reserved for discussion, and that the following reports of the agenda, with the recommendations therein had been approved and adopted.
Item 143 East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Sites Plan Item 149 Pay Policy Statement 2016/17 |
Public Involvement To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:
(a) Petitions: to receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or as notified for presentation at the meeting by the due of 3 March 2016 (10 days); (b) Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 10 March 2016; (c) Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 10 March 2016. Additional documents: Minutes: 139.1 There were no matters listed under Public Involvement on the agenda. |
To consider the following matters raised by Members:
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion.
Fair Trade – referred from Council on 28 January 2016 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: (d) Notices of Motion
140.1 The Chair noted that there was one Notice of Motion in relation to Fair Trade referred from the Council meeting on 28 January 2016. The Chair read the following update to the Committee:
‘The Notice of Motion was considered and approved at the Procurement Advisory Board on 29 February 2016; the Council’s current procurement activities align with it in the following ways:
· The Minimum Buying Standards for catering contracts, which was approved at the Policy & Resources Committee on 11 July 2014, was a target action of the One Planet Living and the Corporate Procurement strategy 2014/15.
Sustainable Procurement Policy has a stated commitment to the
promotion, use of, and compliance with the Council’s Minimum
Food Standards in all relevant contracts. · The Corporate Procurement Team advise Council Catering contract managers to adopt the Minimum Food Standards when procuring food, drink and catering services; and include Minimum Food Standards as quality criteria in tender documents where applicable and/or the inclusion of these standards within service specifications to ultimately form part of the contractual agreement.
The Council will continue to ensure that for all current catering contracts, the high standards already set regarding Fair Trade are maintained and expanded upon wherever possible and within the confines of the current terms and conditions of these contracts; and wherever feasible, Fair Trade will be promoted by including the standard as a criteria to be met within future catering contracts.’
140.2 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the Notice of Motion. |
Adoption of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1 PDF 49 MB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee recommend to Council that:
1) The submitted Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One including its annexes and Policies Map, amended to include all the main modifications recommended by the planning inspector to make the plan sound, together with other minor modifications already noted by 16 October 2014 Policy and Resources Committee be adopted and published (including any consequential and other appropriate alterations for the purposes of clarification, improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary) in accordance with Section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
2) It notes that on adoption of the City Plan Part 1 a number of policies in the 2005 Brighton & Hove Local Plan will be superseded. These superseded policies are listed in Annex 4 of the City Plan Part 1 (a copy is placed in the Members’ Rooms and available on the council’s website);
3) That the ‘Objectively Assessed Need for Housing: Brighton & Hove, June 2015’ study is approved as supporting evidence for the City Plan and further Development Plan Documents (summarised in Appendix 4). Minutes: 141.1. The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Adoption of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1. The purpose of the report was to recommend the adoption of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1, following receipt of the Inspector’s Report that concluded the City Plan was sound. Once adopted the City Plan Part 1 would replace a number of policies in the 2005 Brighton & Hove Local Plan.
141.2. Councillor Mitchell introduced the report and stated it was her pleasure to recommend to the report to Council for formal adoption after many years of work. The plan before the Committee reflected the importance of enhancing and improving the natural environment; providing jobs and homes, and serving to support residents, business and visitors. The plan would pursue local policies based on local priorities and this overarching strategy would enable and support neighbourhood plans through Part 2. Councillor Mitchell thanked the work of all Officers involved and extended special thanks to Councillor Mac Cafferty who had steered the plan during the previous administration as well Councillor C. Theobald for working with her on the cross-party working group.
141.3 In response to Councillor Wealls it was explained that the adoption of the plan would generally not change the emphasis on tall buildings in the western seafront area; the City Plan would continue to support buildings of 6-8 storeys in height and the urban design framework was unlikely to significantly change this.
141.4 Officers provided the following responses to questions from Councillor Mac Cafferty. There was a monitoring and implementation plan with the City Plan and intervention would be considered in much more detail in Part 2 of the plan, and Officers acknowledged that delivery was going to be a challenge as the proposed 660 per annum unit delivery figure was higher than the number delivered in the previous year. In relation to windfall sites there would have to be a review of delivery were the economy to fall into recession and this affect the construction market. In response to queries about permitted development for office to residential it was expected that this change would be legislated to become permanent, Officers would be undertaking work to ensure the current Article 4 was still applicable after this change.
141.5 In response to further questions from Councillors Mac Cafferty the following responses were given. Delivery in the 5-10 year period was likely to be the most challenging; however, to ease this, the inspector had agreed a long lead in period, but interventions would be necessary to ensure the market delivered in the 2019-2024 period. Demonstrating a five year supply of housing was critical to the delivery of plan, and part of the day to day role of the policy team would be to enable this. In relation to the density of brownfield sites it was explained that the City Plan, put a very clear framework in place that sought to protect the amenity of residents and ensure development was delivered against the policy framework.
141.6 In response to the final queries from Councillor Mac Cafferty the following was explained by Officers. There was a commitment in Part 1 of the City Plan to allow the authority to gathered evidence in relation to matters such as space standards, and see if there was a case to pursue this as a piece of policy work. The ambition for a district heating network in in the Eastern Road area was still part of the policy commitment and this was work that was being progressed. In relation to building standards and regulations these remained higher than the national standard generally, and closer to those of London Boroughs, water efficiency standards for residential properties were also high.
141.7 Councillor G. Theobald stated that the authority had done very well to progress the work to this point; he remained of the view that the city should seek to protect as much of its greenfield space as possible and focus development on brownfield sites. Whilst he still had concerns in relation to development on the urban fringe he was assured by a response from Officers that the urban fringe assessment was material for the consideration of applications on those sites, furthermore having an adopted plan strengthened the position of the authority to resist inappropriate development.
141.8 In response to Councillor Janio it was explained that exceptions to policy could be made where a case could be proved to do this; there were also options for flexibility, for instance in relation to viability issues. Councillor Janio congratulated Officers for the work on the plan, and asked that the Committee seek to monitor delivery of housing to ensure the Plan was not restrictive in allowing appropriate development to come forward.
141.8 The Chair thanked the work of Officers and put the recommendation to the vote.
141.9 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND – That the Committee recommends to Council that:
1) The submitted Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One including its annexes and Policies Map, amended to include all the main modifications recommended by the planning inspector to make the plan sound, together with other minor modifications already noted by 16 October 2014 Policy and Resources Committee be adopted and published (including any consequential and other appropriate alterations for the purposes of clarification, improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary) in accordance with Section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
2) It notes that on adoption of the City Plan Part 1 a number of policies in the 2005 Brighton & Hove Local Plan will be superseded. These superseded policies are listed in Annex 4 of the City Plan Part 1 (a copy is placed in the Members’ Rooms and available on the council’s website);
3) That the ‘Objectively Assessed Need for Housing: Brighton & Hove, June 2015’ study is approved as supporting evidence for the City Plan and further Development Plan Documents (summarised in Appendix 4). |
Agreement to schedule of charges for pre-application planning advice PDF 98 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee agree the schedule of charges for pre-application planning advice set out in Appendix 1 and the timeframe for implementation set out in paragraphs 3.5. and 3.6. Minutes: 142.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Agreement to Schedule of Charges for Pre-Application Planning Advice. The report sought approval for a schedule of charges for pre-application planning advice, together with a timeframe for implementation following the resolution of the Committee on 15 October 2015.
142.2 Councillor G. Theobald explained that he was supportive of the principle of the report, and was of the view that this would lead to greater certainty around the planning process. In response to his queries it was explained that Officers had also been mindful of the level to set the lower charges for householders; however, these needed to cover a number of areas and the scheme provided householders options in relation to the level of pre-application advice they could pay for. It was also added that the scheme sought only achieve full costs recovery, and those making planning applications could still use the advice line free of charge. Councillor G. Theobald expressed concern in relation to the rate of the fee for householder applicants.
142.3 Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed the report and stated that it helped provide greater certainty for applicants.
142.4 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote; the report was carried with 6 in support and 4 abstentions; Councillors: G. Theobald, Janio, A. Norman and Wealls asked that their abstentions be recorded.
142.5 RESOLVED – That the Committee agree the schedule of charges for pre-application planning advice set out in Appendix 1 and the timeframe for implementation set out in paragraphs 3.5. & 3.6. |
East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Sites Plan PDF 110 KB Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the responses to representations on the Proposed Submission Sites Plan are noted.
2) That the draft ‘main modifications’ to the Sites Plan are approved and submitted to the Inspector for consideration through the forthcoming Public Examination process and subsequently published for public consultation.
Minutes: 143.1 RESOLVED:
1) That the Committee notes the responses to representations on the Proposed Submission Sites Plan.
2) That Committee approve the draft ‘main modifications’ to the Sites Plan and agree that they are submitted to the Inspector for consideration through the forthcoming Public Examination process and subsequently published for public consultation. |
Treasury Management Policy Statement 2016/17 PDF 101 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That Policy & Resources Committee note that there are no changes to the Treasury Management Policy Statement and Treasury Management Practices approved by Policy & Resources Committee on 19 March 2015.
2) That Policy & Resources approve the Borrowing Strategy as set out in Appendix 3 to this report. Minutes: 144.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Treasury Management Policy Statement 2016/17. The report sought to recommend a treasury management policy statement (TMPS) and treasury management practices for the financial year commencing on 1 April 2016.
144.2 In response to Councillor Sykes it was explained that the authority had made additional borrowing this year as monitoring of the market had allowed the Council to take advantage of very favourable rates; cash flow was mapped out of future to ensure it was maintained.
144.3 Councillor A. Norman highlighted the excellent work of the team and the skill demonstrated year on year by Officers.
144.4 Councillor Hamilton noted that there was no change to the basic policy and commended the work of Officers.
144.5 In response to Councillor Janio it was explained that Full Council agreed the overall borrowing limits; any decision to exceed this agreed level would need to be a decision of Council and would only be recommended with a strong financial case.
144.6 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
1) That Policy & Resources Committee note that there are no changes to the Treasury Management Policy Statement and Treasury Management Practices approved by Policy & Resources Committee on 19 March 2015.
2) That Policy & Resources approve the Borrowing Strategy as set out in Appendix 3 to this report. |
Annual Investment Strategy 2016/17 PDF 113 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That Policy & Resources Committee recommend to full Council the approval of the Annual Investment Strategy 2016/17 as set out in Appendix 1 to this report. Minutes: 145.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Annual Investment Strategy 2016/17. Under the Local Government Act 2003 local authorities were required to approve an annual investment strategy which gave priority to security and liquidity. Officers also noted there were two contextual amendments: at paragraph 3.12 of the report in the final sentence the word ‘maximum’ should be added after sector, and at paragraph 1.3.1 in Appendix 1 the word ‘maximum’ should replace the word total.
145.2 In response to concern expressed by Councillor Wealls it was explained that Officers would be very clear about the risk of investment in any property funds; however, the reference was there to ensure that they were not completely ruled out. Officers suggested that were any investment in property funds proposed then this could be done in conjunction with a briefing for key Members; however, Councillor Wealls maintained his position that investment in this area should not be a potential option for the Council in its Investment Strategy. Councillor Janio also noted his concern in relation to the potential risk involved with investment in property funds.
145.3 Councillor Mitchell noted that she supported the report as recommended on the basis that Officers would brief any Members as had been proposed.
145.4 Councillor Wealls proposed an amendment that the reference to investment funds be removed from the report at paragraph 3.8; this was seconded by Councillor G. Theobald.
145.5 The amendment was not carried.
145.6 Councillor A. Norman commended the work of the team, and highlighted her view that the strategy was sound; she noted that the authority had continued to maintain its AAA rating.
145.7 It was confirmed for Councillor Sykes that the list at paragraph 3.8 was all of those that would be considered for investment.
145.8 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote as set out in the report.
145.9 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND: That the Committee recommend to Council the approval of the Annual Investment Strategy 2016/17 as set out in Appendix 1 to this report. |
Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/2017 PDF 128 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services (copy attached), together with an extract from the proceedings of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee meeting held 7 March 2016 (to follow). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the level of available capital resources totalling £30.778 million for investment relating to education buildings financed from capital grant and revenue contributions be noted.
2) That Committee approve the allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 2 and 3 for inclusion within the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2016/17.
3) That Committee grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme. Minutes: 146.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/17. The report sought to inform the Committee of the level of available capital resources allocated for 2016/17 and to recommend a Capital Investment Programme for 2016/17. The Committee also noted that the report had been considered by the Children, Young People & Skills Committee on 7 March 2016, this discussion was set out in the associated extract of that meeting.
146.2 In response to Councillor Sykes it was explained that Officers had considered the available technology to use photovoltaic panels to heat water in schools; however, the current model of payback did not make this feasible.
146.3 Councillors: Sykes, Meadows and Hamilton asked questions in relation to the recent Central Government announcement of the intention for all schools to become academies by 2020. In response Officers explained that until there was more detail it was difficult for them to comment on the impact of this in full; it was also clarified that when a school become an academy they entered into a 125 year long-lease from the Council. In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was agreed that Officers would brief Members as further information became available.
146.4 Councillor Hamilton highlighted that much of the proposed spend outlined in the report was for repair and replacement works.
146.5 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
1) That the level of available capital resources totalling £30.778 million for investment relating to education buildings financed from capital grant and revenue contributions be noted.
2) That Committee approve the allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 2 and 3 for inclusion within the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2016/17.
3) That Committee grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme. |
2016/17 Local Transport Plan Capital Programme PDF 148 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached) together with an extract from the proceedings of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee meeting held on 15 March 2016 (to follow). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee:
1) Agrees the 2016/17 Local Transport Plan capital programme budget allocation of £4.274 million to projects and programmes, as set out in Appendix 2 of this report; and
2) Notes the indicative allocation of future LTP budgets to projects and programmes for 2017/18 and 2018/19 of £5.391million and £5.169 million to fund the Local Transport Plan 4-year Delivery Plan, as set out in paragraph 7.2 of this report.
Minutes: 147.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to 2016/17 Local Transport Plan Capital Programme. The report sought approval for the allocation of funding across a number of capital renewal and integrated projects and programmes of work. The Committee also noted that the report had been considered by the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee on the 15 March 2016; this discussion was set out in the associated extract of that meeting.
147.2 Councillor Mitchell noted she was pleased to recommend the report as Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, but she noted that the available funding was approximately £2m less than the authority had received the previous year. She went on to welcome the funding identified for gullies and soakaways – as well as reinstating funding for drop kerbs. Councillor Mitchell recommended the report to the Committee.
147.3 In response to queries from Councillor Sykes the following responses were given. It was expected that a report would be bought to a future meeting of the Committee to seek permission to develop a full business case for street lighting. Consideration was also ongoing in relation to significant schemes such as a park and ride scheme for the city. In relation to bid to the Green Investment Bank the authority was taking time to prepare a business case amongst other options.
147.4 Councillor Janio highlighted that, despite a reduction in the 2015/16 level of funding, the amount allocated for 2016/17 was similar to that of previous years; however, he expressed concern that there was not enough ‘vision’ in the programme. Councillor Mitchell noted that in terms of a vision; this report was focused around a delivery plan which sought to be sustainable and promote alternatives to the car, and cycling where appropriate; she also added that the commitment to pursue a park and ride was part of the City Plan.
147.5 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was explained that the authority had to comply with the Department for Transport, and their view was that Puffin Crossings were safer as those using it had to look at the oncoming traffic for the ‘green man’ signal to cross.
147.6 In response to Councillor A. Norman it was explained that there was ongoing work to consider the route from Brighton Railway Station to the seafront’ though improvements had been made in the past the importance of this route warranted further potential works.
147.7 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
147.8 RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1) Agrees the 2016/17 Local Transport Plan capital programme budget allocation of £4.274 million to projects and programmes, as set out in Appendix 2 of this report; and
2) Notes the indicative allocation of future LTP budgets to projects and programmes for 2017/18 and 2018/19 of £5.391million and £5.169 million to fund the Local Transport Plan 4-year Delivery Plan, as set out in paragraph 7.2 of this report. |
Permission to Tender for Home Care PDF 120 KB
Report of Executive Director of Adults’ Services together with an extract from the proceedings of the Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 2 February 2016 (copies attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the Committee agree to commence a tender process leading to the award of home care contracts to suitably qualified providers who are able to demonstrate that they can provide value for money, effective from September 2016 for a duration of five years, with provision for a further extension of up to two years, as outlined in this Paper;
2) That the Committee to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Adult Services to approve the award of contracts, following the conclusion of the procurement process; Minutes: 148.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Adults’ Services in relation to Permission to Tender for Home Care. The report outlined the recommendations for the new home care (domiciliary) contact; this was a joint contract between the Council and the NHS Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group. The Committee also noted that the report had been considered by the Health & Wellbeing Board on 2 February; the content of that consideration was included in the associated extract from the meeting.
148.2 Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report on the basis it would create value for money and help to stimulate the local home care market; she also welcomed the approach as a solution to the issue of 15 minute visits. The commitment to pay a living wage would also help improve continuity of the service as service users generally preferred their carer to stay the same as much as possible.
148.3 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was explained that the use of an electronic care monitoring system allowed a greater understanding of who delivered the care to individuals, and there were compliance figures and targets that could be monitored through this data gathering. Monitoring on quality was also undertaken through a contracted independent assessor scheme who compiled reports for the Policy Team to consider; there was also sharing of information with the CQC and the Housing Service.
148.4 Councillor Meadows noted that the report had been considered by the Procurement Advisory Board and they had been impressed with the proposed value for money, social value and flexibility of the dynamic purchasing process. Councillor Meadows commended the report to the Committee.
148.5 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
1) That the Committee agree to commence a tender process leading to the award of home care contracts to suitably qualified providers who are able to demonstrate that they can provide value for money, effective from September 2016 for a duration of five years, with provision for a further extension of up to two years, as outlined in this Paper;
2) That the Committee to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Adult Services to approve the award of contracts, following the conclusion of the procurement process. |
Pay Policy Statement 2016/17 PDF 145 KB Report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) Recommends to Council the adoption of the pay policy statement 2016/17 attached at Appendix 1.
2) Adopt the pay policy statement 2016/17 attached at Appendix 1.
Minutes: 149.1 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND – That Council adopt the pay policy statement 2016/17 attached at Appendix 1. |
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee–
1) approve the annual programme of planned maintenance works as detailed in Appendices 2 and 3, at a total estimated cost of £3,551,150; and
2) grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the planned maintenance works and enter into contracts within this budget, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders.
Minutes: 150.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2016/17 and Programme of Works for the Council’s Operational Buildings. The report sought approval for the 2016/17 allocation of essential repair works to civic offices, historic, operational and commercial buildings within the Corporate Planned Maintenance Budget of £3,051,150 and the Social Care Planned Works Budget of £500,000.
150.2 In response to Councillor G. Theobald it was explained that Officers were currently working through the maintenance implications of the Royal Pavilion moving to a trust. In relation to a further query about the Volks Railway it was agreed Officers would provide a response directly to Councillor G. Theobald after the meeting.
150.3 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
150.4 RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1) Approve the annual programme of planned maintenance works as detailed in Appendices 2 and 3, at a total estimated cost of £3,551,150; and
2) Grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the planned maintenance works and enter into contracts within this budget, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders. |
Asset Management Fund 2016/17 PDF 101 KB Report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee approve the recommended remaining allocations of Asset Management Fund bids for 2016/17 totalling £0.275 million, as detailed in paragraph 3.4 of this report. Minutes: 151.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Asset Management Fund 2016/17.
151.2 In response to Councillor G. Theobald it was confirmed that the proposed new microphone system for Council meetings would be portable like the current one and usable in a number of different venues.
151.3 RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the recommended remaining allocations of Asset Management Fund bids for 2016/17 totalling £0.275 million, as detailed in paragraph 3.4 of this report. |
Housing Delivery Options PDF 121 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing together with an extract from the proceedings of the meeting of the Housing & New Homes Committee held on 2 February 2016 (copies attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the Committee be recommended to agree that the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing, in consultation with Executive Director of Finance & Resources, procure specialist legal and financial advice in order to evaluate and progress the proposals for the delivery of alternative models for the supply of affordable housing as detailed in the report, for report back to Housing & New Homes and Policy and Resources Committees.
2) That the Committee be recommended to allocate £0.100m of the 2016/17 Strategic Investment Fund towards specialist legal and financial advice. Minutes: 152.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Housing Delivery Options. The report sought permission to fund the establishment of a joint venture and/or special purpose vehicle to delivery new homes and inform development of specific proposals to be reported back to the Housing & New Homes Committee and the Policy & Resources Committee. The Committee also noted the report had been considered by the Housing & New Homes Committee on 2 March 2016, as set out in the attached extract from the meeting.
152.2 Councillor Janio commented the proportionately high number of residents in the private rented sector had some advantages such as creating a more flexible workforce. In response to a query from Councillor Janio it was explained that much of the affordable new homes built were shared ownership, this venture would also allow the Council to better capture a supply of housing to meet the city’s needs in a more affordable way.
152.3 In response to Councillor Sykes it was explained that this type of modelling could consider a range of rents options as it was not subject to the same regulatory constraints.
152.4 Councillor Meadows noted that rents were very high in the city, and the type of housing stock often meant that heating and fuel bills were also higher; the delivery vehicle proposed in the report would allow alternative models to be considered and take properties out of the right to buy scheme so they could not be lost as housing stock. Whilst the option of 60 year borrowing had been considered; a period of this length could potentially fetter the future options of the Council. This delivery vehicle would allow the Council to build the type of homes needed and ensure were not priced out of staying in the city.
152.5 In response to Councillor Wealls it was explained that this venture could help to ‘kick-start’ development if the Council was purchasing units upfront; the Council could also work to increase densities, where appropriate, and fund schemes that might not be otherwise workable.
152.6 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it highlighted that any governance would ensure the Council’s interests were protected.
152.7 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
1) That the Committee be recommended to agree that the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing, in consultation with Executive Director of Finance & Resources, procure specialist legal and financial advice in order to evaluate and progress the proposals for the delivery of alternative models for the supply of affordable housing as detailed in the report, for report back to Housing & New Homes and Policy and Resources Committees.
2) That the Committee be recommended to allocate £0.100m of the 2016/17 Strategic Investment Fund towards specialist legal and financial advice. |
New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme approval - Selsfield Drive Site PDF 132 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing together with an extract from the proceedings of the meeting of the Housing & New Homes Committee held on 2 February 2016 (copies attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee approve a budget of £6.875 million for Selsfield Drive in the HRA Capital Programme which will be financed through a mixture of HRA borrowing and retained Right to Buy capital receipts. Minutes: 153.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Final Scheme Approval – Selsfield Drive, Brighton. The report sought permission for the financing of the scheme at Selsfield Drive. The Committee also noted that the report had been considered by the Housing & New Homes Committee on 2 March 2016 and the proceedings on that meeting were set out in the attached extract.
153.2 Councillor Meadows welcomed the report and noted her pleasure that the Council was able to build new homes for residents which were in the right location and a size that met housing need, which also were to living homes standards that would help reduce fuel poverty in the city. In response to Councillor G. Theobald it explained by Councillor Meadows that the homes would be traditionally built with energy efficiency features as part of the design and build.
153.3 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
153.4 RESOLVED - That the Committee approve a budget of £6.875 million for Selsfield Drive in the HRA Capital Programme which will be financed through a mixture of HRA borrowing and retained Right to Buy capital receipts. |
New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme approval - Wellsbourne, Whitehawk PDF 123 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing together with an extract from the proceedings of the meeting of the Housing & New Homes Committee held on 2 February 2016 (copies attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee be recommended to:
1) Approve that the land at Wellsbourne is appropriated to the HRA for a capital receipt of £360,000 for planning purposes and the development of new housing.
2) Approve a budget of £7.077m for the Wellsbourne scheme in the HRA Capital Programme which will be financed through a mixture of HRA borrowing and retained right-to-buy capital receipts. Minutes: 154.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Final Scheme Approval – Wellsbourne Whitehawk, Brighton. The report sought permission for the financing of the scheme at Wellsbourne Whitehawk. The Committee also noted that the report had been considered by the Housing & New Homes Committee on 2 March 2016 and the proceedings on that meeting were set out in the attached extract. The Chair welcomed the report and the site within his Ward being brought back into use; he added that it was important the Council invest in new properties that would last.
154.2 Councillor Meadows highlighted that the units would be purpose built and fully wheelchair accessible.
154.3 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
154.4 RESOLVED - That the Committee be recommended to:
1) Approve that the land at Wellsbourne is appropriated to the HRA for a capital receipt of £360,000 for planning purposes and the development of new housing.
2) Approve a budget of £7.077m for the Wellsbourne scheme in the HRA Capital Programme which will be financed through a mixture of HRA borrowing and retained right-to-buy capital receipts. |
New England House & Longley Industrial Estate PDF 57 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the committee agrees that the decision made on 3rd December 2015 in respect of the proposed development of the New England House (“NEH”) and Longley Industrial Estate sites is rescinded and notes that a further report will be brought to committee in due course. Minutes: 155.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to New England House & Longley Industrial Estate. The report sought permission to rescind a decision made by the Committee on 3 December 2015.
155.2 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was explained that if the recommendation was agreed then it would be for Officers to engage about an appropriate way forward to ensure the regeneration of the New England Quarter progressed with minimal delay. In relation to whether this situation could have been avoided at the time the Committee took the decision in December, Officers were of the view that the Committee had been advised to take the most appropriate decision at that time, with all the information they had before them.
155.3 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
155.4 RESOLVED – That the committee agrees that the decision made on 3 December 2015 in respect of the proposed development of the New England House (“NEH”) and Longley Industrial Estate sites is rescinded and notes that a further report will be brought to committee in due course. |
Items Referred For Council To consider items to be submitted to the 24 March 2016 Council meeting for information.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, each Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10.00am on 14 March 2016 (the eighth working day before the Council meeting to which the report is to be made), or if the Committee meeting takes place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 156.1 There were no items referred to Council on 24 March 2016 for information. |