Agenda for Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) on Thursday, 21st March, 2013, 4.00pm

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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Mark Wall  Head of Democratic Services


No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)         Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


    (b)        Declarations of Interest:


    (a)         Disclosable pecuniary interests not registered on the register of interests;

    (b)         Any other interests required to be registered under the local code;

    (c)         Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.


    In each case, you need to declare

    (i)           the item on the agenda the interest relates to;

    (ii)         the nature of the interest; and

    (iii)       whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.


    If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.


    (d)         Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


    NOTE: Any item appearing in Part Two of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.


    A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.

    Additional documents:


                   (a)    Declarations of Substitutes


    151.1          Councillor Morgan declared that he was attending the meeting as a substitute for Councillor Hamilton.


                   (b)    Declarations of Interest


    151.2          Councillor Shanks declared a personal and pecuniary interest in Item No. 175, New Homes for Neighbourhoods Estate Regeneration Programme, as she lived directly next to a property included in the report and would therefore leave the chamber during consideration of the item and take no part in the decision on the item.


    151.3          Councillor Mitchell declared a personal and pecuniary interest in Item No. 166, Super Connected Cities Plan Procurement, as her daughter’s partner worked for a company that might be involved in the bidding process and she would therefore leave the chamber during consideration of the item and take no part in the decision on the item.


                   (c)    Exclusion of the Press and Public


    151.4          The Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any of the items listed on the agenda.


    151.5          RESOLVED: That the press and public be noted excluded from the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 115 KB

    To consider the minutes of the meeting held on the 14th February 2013 (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    152.1          Councillor G. Theobald referred to Item No. 142 in the Minutes, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2013/14 and noted that paragraph 142.7 recorded correctly the Conservative Group’s intention to vote against the recommendations; however he asked if it would be possible for clarity of the record to show that Conservative Members voted against the recommendations at paragraph 142.15.


    152.2          The Chair noted the request and stated that with the Committee’s agreement he was happy for the minutes to be amended accordingly to reflect the request from Councillor Theobald.


    152.3          RESOLVED: That the minutes be approved as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair subject to the amendment to paragraph 142.15 to show that the Conservative Group voted against the recommendations.


Chair's Communications

    To receive communications from the Chair.

    Additional documents:


    153.1          The Chair stated that with the agreement of the Committee, he would like to slightly alter the agenda and take Item 176, Review of the Constitution (March) 2013 before Item 161, Pay Policy Statement, which would enable the committee to determine some technical changes and not complicate the meeting.  He would ask the Head of Law to explain the position when the relevant items were reached.


    153.2          The Chair stated that on Monday an event was held to thank the Tourism Volunteers who work to support the Tourism & Leisure Delivery Unit.  Over 200 people support the unit in varied roles like Greeters, Royal Pavilion & Museum attendants and gardeners, Volks Railway workers and people who lead ‘Healthwalks’ for the Sports Development team.  Without them our tourism offer would be much poorer and I’d like to add my thanks for their efforts.


    153.3          The Chair stated that he would like to place on record the Committee’s condolences to Councillor Carden who had sadly lost his wife, Merle following a battle against cancer.  He knew that a number of councillors would be attending her funeral at the present time and stated that the committee’s thoughts would be with Councillor Carden and his family.


Call Over

    (a)               Items (157 – 177) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.


    (b)               Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed.

    Additional documents:


    154.1          The following items on the agenda were reserved for discussion:


    Item 158      Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14

    Item 159      ICT Investment Plan 2013/14

    Item 160      2013/14 Local Transport Plan Capital Programme

    Item 161      Pay Policy Statement 2013-14

    Item 162      Financial Inclusion

    Item 163      Annual Update of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2013/14

    Item 164      One Planet Living – Sustainability Action Plan

    Item 165      Review of Home to School Transport 2013

    Item 166      Super Connected Cities Plan Procurement

    Item 171      Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2013-14 and Programme of Works for the Council’s Operational Buildings

    Item 172      Employability for Young People in Care and Care Leavers

    Item 173      Extra Care Housing Update

    Item 175      New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Estate Regeneration Programme

    Item 176      Review of the Constitution (March) 2013


    154.2          The Head of Democratic Services confirmed that the Items listed above had been reserved for discussion; and that the following reports on the agenda with the recommendations therein had been approved and adopted:


    Item 157      Treasury Management Policy Statement 2013/14

    Item 167      Procurement of New Construction Strategic Partnership

    Item 168      Tender for Transport Professional Services and Modelling Term Contract

    Item 169      Procurement of the Corporate Building Cleaning Contract

    Item 170      Asset Management Fund 2013-14

    Item 174      HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation

    Item 177      Nomination of Councillor to serve on ‘Coast to Capital’ Local Transport Body.



Public Involvement pdf icon PDF 45 KB

    To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


    (a)         Petitions: to receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full council or at the meeting itself;


    (b)         Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 14th March 2013;


    (c)         Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 14th March 2013.

    Additional documents:


    (a)         Petitions


    155.1          The Chair noted that there were no petitions to be presented by members of the public.


    (b)        Written Questions


    155.2          The Chair noted that one public question had been submitted and invited Mr. Strong to come forward and address the meeting.


    155.3          Mr. Strong thanked the Chair and asked the following question, “Transport is of great importance to Brighton & Hove.  The City Transport Partnership has ensured engagement with the wider community, helping to deliver a broad consensus about transport and enabling key projects to be developed.


    However, the latest CTP meeting was cancelled, removing any opportunity for a discussion of issues around the Capital Programme.  Furthermore, the proposed merger of the Environment & Transport Committees has created major concerns about the future of the partnership and engagement on transport issues.


    Does the Council remain committed to the CTP and to full and open engagement with community representatives on transport issues?”


    155.4          The Chair thanked Mr. Strong for his question and stated that, “I couldn’t agree more about the importance of  a good transport system to the city and that the Transport Partnership has helped to further raise awareness of the many issues and challenges that exist, and the collective successes that have been achieved in seeking to resolve them.  The Partnership has developed its role considerably and met regularly - nearly 20 times since 2009 – and the cancellation of the January meeting earlier this year was regrettable, but a one-off. Despite that, officers did ensure that the notes of the previous meeting were circulated and an invitation was sent out to encourage participation in the on-line consultation about the One Planet Living Sustainability Action Plan.  But whatever the circumstances, I would always urge Partners to share their views about a particular issue or project with the Partnership Manager or Chair, if the opportunity does not arise at a meeting or the issue is urgent or serious enough to warrant that.


    You mention the transport capital programme. The council’s overall budget for 2013/14 was not set until the end of last month, but in 2012 the council did agree a 3-year programme of investment in transport schemes and projects and the Partnership was made aware of this.  That programme is on the agenda for this meeting and has been updated to reflect the progress factors made in the last year during the development or delivery of schemes.  Finally, the proposed merger of the two Committees was agreed in order to achieve a saving on administrative costs but I can assure you that it will not impact on the role of the Transport Partnership, or its continued involvement in transport issues that are important to the city.”


    155.5          Mr. Strong asked the following supplementary question, “The CTP had hoped to see its aspirations reflected in the budget proposals and that projects identified would be given funding.  As such it had hoped to be able to discuss matters and influence the decisions to be taken, but now faced a position on Tuesday where those decisions had been made.  He asked that for the future budget setting process that consideration was given to involving the CTP in good time so that its views and aspirations could be taken into account prior to the budget proposals being taken forward?”


    155.6          The Chair noted the concern raised and stated that he was happy to take on board the points raised for future budget consultation exercises and that the council was looking at how it worked with partnerships to achieve better outcomes.  He thanked Mr Strong for attending the meeting.


Member Involvement pdf icon PDF 55 KB

    To consider the following matters raised by councillors:


    (a)         Petitions: to receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;


    (b)         Letters: to consider any letters;


    (i)                 Portslade Town Hall Car Park – Letter from Councillor Hamilton (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (a)         Petitions


    156.1          The Chair noted that there were no petitions to be presented by Members.


    (b)        Letters


    156.2          The Chair noted that Councillor Hamilton has asked for his letter to be deferred to the next meeting as he was attending the funeral of Councillor Carden’s wife and he would prefer to be able to present it to the committee.  He was therefore happy to defer the item to the next meeting.




Treasury Management Policy Statement 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 69 KB


Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

    Report of the Director of Finance (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14 as set in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed; and


    (2)               That the Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14 be recommended to Council for approval.



    158.1          The Director of Finance introduced the report which detailed the proposed Annual Investment Strategy for the council for 2013/14 as required by the Local Government Act 2003.  She noted that last July there had been a major change following a review of the strategy and there had been very little change to that in the current proposed strategy.  She therefore recommended that it be agreed and recommended to the council for approval.


    158.2          Councillor Littman welcomed the report and thanked the officers for their work.


    158.3          Councillor G. Theobald noted that the list of banks where investments could be placed included two that were UK Ltd and asked for assurance that any investments in these banks would be secure and whether there was any difference for organisations such as the council compared to individual investors.


    158.4          The Director of Finance stated that all the banks listed were UK based and therefore any investments were safeguarded under UK rules.  She was not sure about whether there was any difference for organisations and individuals and would therefore provide a written response for Councillor Theobald.


    158.5          The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


    158.6          RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND:


    (1)         That the Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14 as set in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed; and


    (2)         That the Annual Investment Strategy 2013/14 be recommended to Council for approval.


ICT Investment Plan 2013 -2016 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

    Report of the Director of Finance (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the proposed ICT Investment Plan as set out in the report for 2013-16 be approved;


    (2)               That the use of an ICT Investment Reserve and the associated revenue and capital expenditure for 2013/14 which are funded by resources approved by Full Council on 28 February 2013, be approved; and


    (3)               That it be noted that the expenditure after 2013/14 would be subject to available funding and approval of fully funded annual Capital Investment Programmes by Full Council.


    159.1          The Director of Finance introduced the report which provided a detailed spending plan and priorities for ICT following approval at the Budget Council meeting.  She noted that further reports would be brought to the committee in regard to the actual procurement process for various contracts in due course and that options including working with SE7 partners would be considered.  She stated that in conjunction with the SE7 group, the council was looking at establishing a network of networks across the region and to extend shared working and infrastructures.


    159.2          The Chair thanked the Director and stated that it was an excellent report and that priorities had been clearly identified in view of the level of investment required and the budget that was available.  The investment in ICT was important for the organisation to operate and was key to everything that the council undertook and provided.


    159.3          Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and the intention to work with partners and especially welcomed the renewal of the telephony infrastructure.


    159.4          Councillor Mitchell stated that it was necessary to invest in ICT in order to enable the council to move forward and keep pace with other organisations and the needs of the council, in order to provide services.


    159.5          Councillor Morgan noted that there was a report on the agenda regarding financial inclusion and queried whether digital inclusion and additional provision would be addressed by that process or the ICT investment programme.


    159.6          The Director of Finance stated that the ICT investment programme provided a platform for investment and improvements to customer experience and noted that further reports would be brought forward on the delivery of the investment and how it related to financial inclusion.


    159.7          The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


    159.8          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the proposed ICT Investment Plan as set out in the report for 2013-16 be approved;


    (2)         That the use of an ICT Investment Reserve and the associated revenue and capital expenditure for 2013/14 which are funded by resources approved by Full Council on 28 February 2013, be approved; and


    (3)         That it be noted that the expenditure after 2013/14 would be subject to available funding and approval of fully funded annual Capital Investment Programmes by Full Council.


2013/14 Local Transport Plan Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 123 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the allocation of £6.349 million worth of funding for the 2013/14 Local Transport Plan capital programme to the Capital Renewal  (Maintenance) and Integrated Transport work programmes set out in Appendix 1 of the report be approved; and


    (2)               That the indicative allocation of Local Transport Plan capital resources for 2014/15 and 2015/16 as part of a 3-year Delivery Plan, as set out in Appendix 1, which would be subject to future budget decisions be noted.


    160.1          The strategic Director; Place introduced the report which detailed the proposed spend for the Local Transport Capital Programme (LTP) projects for 2013/14 which had been approved at the Budget Council meeting on the 28th February 2013.  He stated that half of the available funding was ser aside for maintenance and the remaining half for projects and infrastructure.  There were also indicative allocations shown for 2014/15 and 2015/16 for which regular update reports would be brought to the committee.  It was intended to consult on the various projects and the City Transport Partnership would be included in that process throughout.


    160.2          The Chair stated that it was a priority for the Administration to protect the LTP funding as the impact on the city was very clear and significant challenges would have to be faced e.g. the protection and securing of the seafront arches.


    160.3          Councillor G. Theobald stated that he was surprised that the LTP had not been considered at the Transport Committee and welcomed the intention to reserve 50% of the funding for the maintenance budget.  He also noted that the LTP had been boosted by government funding and queried what the £50k identified for Queen’s Park related to and the £120k for traffic management cameras.


    160.4          The Chair stated that council welcomed all funding that was secured from government and European avenues but noted that in general terms the LTP funding had declined over time.


    160.5          The Lead Commissioner for City Regulation and Infrastructure stated that the £50k was to improve access to surrounding roads to the park and the £120k was for bus lane enforcement cameras.


    160.6          Councillor Mitchell welcomed the level of investment but questioned the capacity within the department to be able to spend the available funding.  She also expressed concern over the difficulty ward councillors had found to secure improvements to local areas with the provision of bollards, yellow lines and other small-scale measures that residents had identified as being required.  Such improvements had previously been actioned but were now more difficult to get implemented.


    160.7          The Strategic Director; Place stated that officers were aware of the need to have an effective programme of spend and were reviewing how this could be implemented across the various teams involved; e.g. consideration of the use of specialist support was being investigated.  In relation to road safety measures raised by Members, these would be looked at continually and where possible action taken.


    160.8          Councillor West welcomed the report and noted that funding had been levered in from CIVATS and the National Park Authority and he wished to thank the officers involved.  There was a need to invest in the city and he welcomed the improved street lighting programme and choices for residents that were now available.


    160.9          Councillor Morgan stated that there was a need to ensure residents understood the intentions of having large-scale projects and spending, especially when they found the small-scale improvements to their areas that they had requested were either delayed or not being taken forward.


    160.10      The Chair noted the comments and agreed that information to residents should be made available so that the cost of projects and reasons for delays to the improvements they hoped for were understood and hoped that officers would take this on board.  He then put the recommendations to the vote.


    160.11      RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the allocation of £6.349 million worth of funding for the 2013/14 Local Transport Plan capital programme to the Capital Renewal  (Maintenance) and Integrated Transport work programmes set out in Appendix 1 of the report be approved; and


    (2)         That the indicative allocation of Local Transport Plan capital resources for 2014/15 and 2015/16 as part of a 3-year Delivery Plan, as set out in Appendix 1, which would be subject to future budget decisions be noted.


Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

    Report of the Director of Adult Services/Lead Commissioner Adult Social Care & Health (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the Council be recommended to approve the adoption of the Pay Policy Statement 2013/14 attached at Appendix A to the report.


    161.1          The Head of Law introduced the report which detailed the annual pay policy statement for 2013/14 which the council was required to produce and approve each year.  He noted that the council had reviewed its policy for the publication of its pay policy in the preceding year and that it remained the same for the current year and that as part of the review of the constitution, it had been agreed that any salaries of £100k and above would be considered by the Appointments & Remuneration Panel and recommendations made to the Chief Executive rather than having to be considered by the full Council.  He also drew Members’ attention to the need to alter the reference on page 81 of the report to ‘Executive Directors’ rather than Chief Officer to reflect the council’s senior officer structure.


    161.2          Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and noted that the policies referenced in paragraph 16 on page 83 of the report did not appear to be on the council’s web site and asked that this be rectified as soon as possible.


    161.3          The Committee noted that the Chief Executive’s appointment remained as having to be confirmed by full Council and that the intention to enable the Appointments & Remuneration Panel to consider the appointments for posts of £100k and above was so that full and frank discussions could be held with all necessary information available to be able to make a considered recommendation to the Chief Executive.  The Head of Law stated that the council was able to determine how it dealt with the appointment process and noted that other neighbouring authorities had adopted similar procedures rather than expecting full council to consider such matters.


    161.4          RESOLVED: That the Council be recommended to approve the adoption of the Pay Policy Statement 2013/14 attached at Appendix A to the report.


Financial Inclusion pdf icon PDF 123 KB

    Report of the Director of Finance (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the Financial Inclusion Strategy as set out in appendix one to the report be approved;


    (2)               That the commissioning and implementation plans as set out in appendices two, three and four to the report be approved;


    (3)               That the summary needs assessment and the summary findings of the equalities impact assessment that describe the particular impacts for people and places in the city, as described in appendices four and five to the report be noted;


    (4)               That the Executive Director for Finance & Resources be granted delegated authority for the allocation and prioritisation of resources to commission and deliver against priority actions within the available budget; and


    (5)               That it be noted that the annual performance and progress monitoring of the Financial Inclusion Strategy would be implemented.



    162.1          The Director of Finance introduced the report and stated that it was a period of rapid change for residents in terms of the services being provided by the council and welfare reforms at a time of uncertainty economically.  Hence the aim to promote financial inclusion and enable residents to access services and support to meet their basic needs.


    162.2          The Chair stated that this had been a huge piece of work and recognised that there had been a delay in bringing the report to fruition; however he felt that the level of engagement in the process had been very impressive and wished to thank the officers concerned for their work.


    162.3          Councillor A. Norman stated that it was an excellent report and that there was a clear need for the strategy.  She noted that a lot of investment was being placed in the project and hoped that monitoring and review arrangements would be in place to ensure that the funding could be accounted for.  She also wished to thank the officers involved in bringing the report to the committee.


    162.4          The Director of Finance stated that the tracking of elements of the project and its overall impact would be undertaken and a suite of indicators were being established to enable the monitoring and tracking of aspects at various levels.


    162.5          Councillor Morgan welcomed the report and stated that it was likely to be an important issue for the council and residents for a number of years ahead and drew the committee’s attention to paragraph 3.6 of the report which he felt was one of the most significant paragraph in a report to a committee.  He also suggested that there was a need to look at the issue of under-employment and that it would have been helpful to have issued a booklet with the council tax bills on this matter.


    162.6          The Chair noted the comments and stated that he was happy to reflect on the question of a booklet but noted that the government had been making changes and releasing information at a very late stage and therefore it would have been difficult to produce something in time to go out with the bills that was up to date.


    162.7          Councillor Littman stated that it was a very good report and he hoped would enable people to become more financially resilient and help to prevent them falling into the poverty trap.


    162.8          Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that it was important to monitor the success of the strategy as the council’s own level of responsibility would go beyond the three years and he hoped that there would be a future report reviewing the process.


    162.9          The Director of Finance stated that officers would be looking at how further information was brought back to Members and how it was included in the budget setting process.


    162.10      Councillor Mitchell stated that she wished to thank the officers involved and for an excellent report and suggested that the Local Strategic Partnership could monitor a range of the work identified.


    162.11      The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


    162.12       RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the Financial Inclusion Strategy as set out in appendix one to the report be approved;


    (2)         That the commissioning and implementation plans as set out in appendices two, three and four to the report be approved;


    (3)         That the summary needs assessment and the summary findings of the equalities impact assessment that describe the particular impacts for people and places in the city, as described in appendices four and five to the report be noted;


    (4)         That the Executive Director for Finance & Resources be granted delegated authority for the allocation and prioritisation of resources to commission and deliver against priority actions within the available budget; and


    (5)         That it be noted that the annual performance and progress monitoring of the Financial Inclusion Strategy would be implemented.


Annual Update of the Council's Corporate Plan 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

    Report of the Chief Executive (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the refreshed Corporate Plan content (Appendix 1), including the new Commitments for 2013/14 as included in the Budget be agreed, and recommended for adoption at the full Council meeting in March; and


    (2)               That the progress made on the 2012/13 Commitments as summarised under each of the priorities in the Corporate Plan (Appendix 1) and in more detail in Appendix 2 and Appendix 2.1 to the report be noted.


    163.1          The Chief Executive introduced the report which provided an update to the Council’s Corporate Plan and detailed the progress achieved in relation to the commitments that had been identified and new commitments that were proposed.  She stated that the number of priorities had been reduced from five to four with the previous priorities 4 and 5 being merged into a new priority 4, ‘Modernising the Council.’  She believed that revised corporate plan set out the council’s role, purpose, ambition, priorities and values which could be supported by all Members and employees.


    163.2          The Chair welcomed the report and stated that he believed the inclusion of the priorities within the budget setting process was a positive step forward and noted that 52 commitments had been achieved and a further 13 partially achieved, which he felt should be recognised as excellent progress.  He wished to thank everyone involved in the achievements to date.


    163.3          Councillor West welcomed the report and stated that he also wished to thank the Chief Executive for her contribution and measured approach to the revised corporate plan and the intention to combine the new commitments within the budget process.  He drew the committee’s attention to the second priority on page 208 and stated that the committee should be encouraged by the work of officers in delivering changes.


    163.4          Councillor G. Theobald stated that he believed the promotion of the local economy as detailed on page 206 should underpin everything that the council did and welcomed the level of investment that had been attracted into the city.  However, he also stated that the Conservative Group could not support the recommendations contained in the report because of the commitment to a permanent Travellers site being established at Horsdean on page 194; and therefore would abstain from voting on the report.


    163.5          The Chair noted the comments and that the commitment for a permanent site had been made by the previous administration in successfully bidding for funding from the Government and therefore the council needed to provide a site.


    163.6          Councillor Mitchell moved a point of order and stated that there had been an urgency meeting to enable the submission of the bid for £1.7m to approve the provision of a travellers’ site identified at Wilson Avenue and noted that it was now government policy to require local authorities to identify traveller sites within their boundaries.


    163.7          Councillor Wakefield drew the committee’s attention to pages 187 and 188 of the report and the intention to enable people to remain in their own homes which she felt was an important consideration for everyone and should be fully supported.


    163.8          Councillor Shanks welcomed the fact that recent Ofsted inspections had found that schools were performing well and hoped that further improvements would be made.


    163.9          The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


    163.10      RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND:


    (1)         That the refreshed Corporate Plan content (Appendix 1), including the new Commitments for 2013/14 as included in the Budget be agreed, and recommended for adoption at the full Council meeting in March; and


    (2)         That the progress made on the 2012/13 Commitments as summarised under each of the priorities in the Corporate Plan (Appendix 1) and in more detail in Appendix 2 and Appendix 2.1 to the report be noted.


One Planet Living - Sustainability Action Plan pdf icon PDF 103 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)       That the Sustainability Action Plan (as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report), be approved; and


    (2)       That the Chief Executive be instructed:


    (i)                 to implement the council actions in the Sustainability Plan;


    (ii)               to submit the Plan to BioRegional with a view to endorsement for Brighton & Hove as a “One Planet City”;


    (iii)             to submit the Plan to Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership, for their approval; and


    (iv)             after 18 months, to submit a report of plan implementation progress to BioRegional for independent review.


    164.1          The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report which outlined a serried of actions proposed to meet the Corporate Plan objective to create a more sustainable city and achieve accreditation as a One Planet City.  The action plans had been formulated with a number of stakeholders by engaging in a collaborative exercise and the report would also be submitted to the Local Strategic Partnership.


    164.2          The Chair stated that this had been a huge piece of work and he wished to thank all those involved in the process.  He hoped that the ten principles identified would be fully supported across the council and partners and that Brighton & Hove became the first One Planet City.


    164.3          Councillor West stated that it was an important piece of work and that there was a need to look at the efficient use of resources and the impact of climate change and to embed sustainability as an issue in everyone’s minds.  The approach set out in the report outlined a clear way of to implement change and he hoped it would be taken forward.


    164.4          Councillor Mitchell stated that it was an excellent report and wished to congratulate the officers involved.  She welcomed the initiatives that were outlined and looked forward to progress being made.


    164.5          Councillor Wakefield welcomed the report and noted that a resident had contacted her to say how her fuel bill had dropped since the council had installed cladding to her tenant block and suggested that it would be helpful to obtain similar information from families in terms of before and after improvements such improvements were undertaken.


    164.6          Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report and queried the level of spending on energy savings listed on page 209, what the position was in terms of the government’s ‘Green Deal’ referred to on page 297, what was meant by rationalisation of school transport on page 309 and which parts of the city would be traffic free as mentioned on page 313.


    164.7          The Chair stated that with regard to the ‘Green Deal’ this had been the subject of a report to the committee previously and officers were in discussion with the neighbouring authorities of East and West Sussex; as well as Southampton and other areas.  The traffic free reference was in relation to the Old Town Scheme and the energy savings were in regard to looking at the use and affect of council owned buildings.


    164.8          Councillor West stated that the greenhouse gas emissions had been reduced by 3% and funding had been secured as part of the Green Deal from the government for improvements to homes.


    164.9          Councillor Shanks stated that a review of how young people travelled to school was being undertaken to see if changes could be made to travel arrangements and use of modes of transport.  It was hoped to encourage young people to identify with the aspirations of one planet living.


    164.10      Councillor Littman stated that he wished to thank everyone concerned with the report and noted that there were environmental challenges to be faced and that the council and residents had take responsibility for their actions and look to improve the quality of life for the city and to provide a better future.


    164.11      Councillor Morgan welcomed the report and noted the information provided by Councillor Wakefield and queried why the proposed cladding for North Whitehawk flats had appeared to have been delayed.


    164.12      The Head of Housing stated that there had been a delay in the works but confirmed that they were due to go ahead and stated that he would provide a written update for Councillor Morgan.


    164.13      The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


    164.14      RESOLVED:


    (1)    That the Sustainability Action Plan (as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report), be approved; and


    (2)    That the Chief Executive be instructed:


    (i)           to implement the council actions in the Sustainability Plan;


    (ii)         to submit the Plan to BioRegional with a view to endorsement for Brighton & Hove as a “One Planet City”;


    (iii)       to submit the Plan to Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership, for their approval; and


    (iv)       after 18 months, to submit a report of plan implementation progress to BioRegional for independent review.


Review of Home to School Transport 2013 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

    Joint report of the Interim Director, Children’s Services and Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the extension of the 91 bus service to Cardinal Newman School so that it runs from Ovingdean to Cardinal Newman School from September 2013 using funding from changes to denominational transport be agreed;


    (2)               That officers should consult on the possible withdrawal of the 96 bus service with the parents/carers and schools of current users including on possible funding of alternative transport solutions and to bring a report back to the committee;


    (3)               That the retention of the 74 and 75 bus services to Patcham High School funded from changes to denominational transport be agreed;


    (4)               That Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company be requested to adapt the afternoon commercial 94/94A bus service running to Queen’s Park and East Brighton so that one picks up pupils from Dorothy Stringer and one from Varndean on the school side of Ditchling Road with effect from September 2013;


    (5)               That it be agreed the remaining Council supported school bus services should continue to operate as contracted with bus operators in 2012 but Members would continue to keep school bus services under review; and


    (1)               That the Council would continue to negotiate with Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company with regard to the terms and conditions of scholar passes which are purchased by the Council for eligible students.


    165.1          The interim Director for Children’s Services introduced the report which detailed the outcome of a review of the home to school transport provision and proposed a number of changes to various routes, including the extension of the No.91, the retention of the No’s.74 & 75 and the possible withdrawal of the No.96 service.


    165.2          Councillor Shanks stated that she wished to thank the officers involved in the review and welcomed the proposed extension to the No.91 service.  In regard to the No.96 service, meetings had been held with parents and school representatives and discussions were continuing in relation to how pupils could be supported.  However, it was recognised that the actual cost of providing the service was too high.


    165.3          Councillor A. Norman stated that she was disappointed with the report and the lack of consultation with appropriate councillors.  Whilst she largely agreed with the proposals and accepted that it was increasingly hard to justify the continuation of the No.96, there was a need to identify alternative arrangements first as the pupils had signed up to attend the schools on the understanding that a service was available.  In regard to recommendation 2.2 on page 394 of the agenda, she wished to move an amendment to include the words ‘with consultation’ after the word ‘fund’ and before ‘alternative’.


    Councillor Norman also questioned the proposal to restrict access to Patcham High with the No.74 service when pupils should be encouraged to attend BACA.  She noted that Councillor Wealls had been involved in looking at access for BACA but had not been consulted on this matter.


    165.4          Councillor G. Theobald formally seconded the amendment.


    165.5          The Chair noted the comments and stated that the question of transport arrangements for BACA pre-dated the report and discussions were being held with the Chair of Governors and Head teacher.  In regard to the proposed amendment, he had consulted the Head of Law and felt that the original recommendation implied that consultation would take place and therefore there was no need to amend it.  He was also happy to give his assurance that consultation on the possible alternative solutions would be held.


    165.6          Councillor A. Norman stated that she was concerned that alternative provision would be found and implemented but was happy to accept the Chair’s assurance that consultation would take place.


    165.7          Councillor Mitchell stated that she felt that recommendation 2.2 was not well written and suggested that it should be amended to include that following consultation on alternative transport arrangements a report was brought back to the committee for decision.


    165.8          Councillor Morgan formally seconded the amendment.


    165.9          Councillor G. Theobald stated that he largely agreed with the report but asked for clarification that the No’s.74 & 75 would both start from the correct position.


    165.10      The Lead Commissioner for City Regulation & Infrastructure confirmed that the No’s.74 & 75 would both start from the correct position.


    165.11      Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that recommendation 2.2 was clumsy and needed to be clarified.


    165.12      The Head of Law proposed that recommendation 2.2. could be amended to read, “That officers should consult on the possible withdrawal of the 96 bus service with the parents/carers and schools of current users including on possible funding of alternative transport solutions and to bring a report back to the committee.”


    165.13      The Chair noted the revised amendment outlined by the Head of Law and suggested that the Committee agree to accept the revision and not take either of the amendments proposed by councillors Norman and Mitchell.  He therefore put the recommendations as amended to the vote.


    165.14      RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the extension of the 91 bus service to Cardinal Newman School so that it runs from Ovingdean to Cardinal Newman School from September 2013 using funding from changes to denominational transport be agreed;


    (2)         That officers should consult on the possible withdrawal of the 96 bus service with the parents/carers and schools of current users including on possible funding of alternative transport solutions and to bring a report back to the committee;


    (3)         That the retention of the 74 and 75 bus services to Patcham High School funded from changes to denominational transport be agreed;


    (4)         That Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company be requested to adapt the afternoon commercial 94/94A bus service running to Queen’s Park and East Brighton so that one picks up pupils from Dorothy Stringer and one from Varndean on the school side of Ditchling Road with effect from September 2013;


    (5)         That it be agreed the remaining Council supported school bus services should continue to operate as contracted with bus operators in 2012 but Members would continue to keep school bus services under review; and


    (6)         That the Council would continue to negotiate with Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company with regard to the terms and conditions of scholar passes which are purchased by the Council for eligible students.


    165.15      The Chair noted the meeting had been in progress for over two hours and proposed that a short adjournment be held and adjourned the meeting at 6.15pm.


    165.16      The Chair reconvened the meeting at 6.25pm.


Super Connected Cities Plan Procurement pdf icon PDF 256 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the council’s successful bid to the Department of Culture Media and Sport for funding to implement ultrafast broadband and improved digital connectivity in the city be noted;


    (2)               The Super Connected Cities Plan project be authorised to move into the procurement phase;


    (3)               That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to conduct an appropriate procurement and to agree and finalise the required procurement documentation;


    (4)               That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be granted delegated authority to award contracts to preferred bidders and agree any minor amendments to the draft contracts, as deemed necessary, and conclude the contracts accordingly; and


    (5)               That the funding of £3.307m from the council’s 2013/14 Capital Investment Programme for delivery of the Super Connected Cities Plan be approved. This is to be funded by grant from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.



    166.1          The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report and stated that it was intended to move forward with the procurement process detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the report.  He noted that there was a tight time table as the procurement process had to be completed by March 2014 and there was a reliance on the Government confirming the position in regard to State Aid.  It was hoped that an announcement would be made shortly but if the state aid clearance failed to be confirmed then there was an option to take aspects of the project forward.


    166.2          The Chair noted the position and stated that he hoped the issue would be clarified and that the state aid provision secured to enable the full procurement process to go ahead, as it would benefit the city enormously.


    166.3          Councillor Morgan welcomed the report and stated that it would be a large boost for the city and helpful in regard to digital inclusion for residents, although more provision was required as people moved out of the centre of the city to the outskirts.


    166.4          The Chair agreed and stated that the process would lay the foundations for further development and possibly for commercial partners to take the matter forward.  He then put the recommendations to the vote.


    166.5          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the council’s successful bid to the Department of Culture Media and Sport for funding to implement ultrafast broadband and improved digital connectivity in the city be noted;


    (2)         The Super Connected Cities Plan project be authorised to move into the procurement phase;


    (3)         That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to conduct an appropriate procurement and to agree and finalise the required procurement documentation;


    (4)         That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be granted delegated authority to award contracts to preferred bidders and agree any minor amendments to the draft contracts, as deemed necessary, and conclude the contracts accordingly; and


    (5)         That the funding of £3.307m from the council’s 2013/14 Capital Investment Programme for delivery of the Super Connected Cities Plan be approved. This is to be funded by grant from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.


    Note:      Councillor Mitchell having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the item withdrew from the chamber and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.


Procurement of New Construction Strategic Partnership pdf icon PDF 103 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to  undertake an  OJEU procurement process for a new Strategic Construction Partnership with four ‘lots’ including;  1) a Constructor, 2) consultant  Quantity Surveyor, 3) consultant Structural Engineer and 4) consultant ‘Construction Design & Management’ (CDM)  Co-coordinator. The new Construction Partnership was to run for five years with an option to extend for a further three years, dependant upon meeting key performance indicators; and


    (2)               That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised after consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources, to award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process.


    167.1          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to  undertake an  OJEU procurement process for a new Strategic Construction Partnership with four ‘lots’ including;  1) a Constructor, 2) consultant  Quantity Surveyor, 3) consultant Structural Engineer and 4) consultant ‘Construction Design & Management’ (CDM)  Co-coordinator. The new Construction Partnership was to run for five years with an option to extend for a further three years, dependant upon meeting key performance indicators; and


    (2)         That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised after consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources, to award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process.


Tender for Transport Professional Services and Modelling Term Contract pdf icon PDF 73 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)       That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be granted delegated authority to award a framework contract for a 5-year term to successful suppliers following the OJEU tendering process.



    168.1          RESOLVED: That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be granted delegated authority to award a framework contract for a 5-year term to successful suppliers following the OJEU tendering process.


Procurement of the Corporate Building Cleaning Contract pdf icon PDF 84 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to undertake a procurement exercise for a new corporate building cleaning contract using the framework agreement detailed in paragraph 4 of the report;


    (2)               That Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised in consultation with the Deputy Chair of Policy & Resources, to award the contract for a term of 4 years; and


    (3)               That Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised In consultation with the Deputy Chair of Policy & Resources, to grant a two year extension to the contract referred to in (2) above subject to performance at the relevant time.


    169.1          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to undertake a procurement exercise for a new corporate building cleaning contract using the framework agreement detailed in paragraph 4 of the report;


    (2)         That Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised in consultation with the Deputy Chair of Policy & Resources, to award the contract for a term of 4 years; and


    (3)         That Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised In consultation with the Deputy Chair of Policy & Resources, to grant a two year extension to the contract referred to in (2) above subject to performance at the relevant time.


Asset Management Fund 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 99 KB


Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2013-14 and Programme of Works for the Council’s Operational Buildings pdf icon PDF 131 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the financial allocation to an annual programme of planned maintenance works to the operational buildings at an estimated cost of £4,029,000 as detailed in Appendices A and B, in accordance with Financial Regulations be approved and


    (2)               That delegated authority, where necessary, be granted to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to enter into contracts within the budget in (1) above, which are procured in accordance with Contract Standing Orders.


    171.1          The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report which detailed the planned maintenance works for the council’s operational buildings for 2013/14.


    171.2          Councillor Littman welcomed the report.


    171.3          Councillor A. Norman noted that the provision for the Dome was high and subject of an historical agreement but queried whether there was any scope to review it.


    171.4          The Director of Finance stated that a number of conversations had been held with the Dome representatives and additional funding secured from the Arts Council for England was dependant on the council providing support.  It was therefore unlikely that any reduction in the council’s contribution could be achieved.


    171.5          The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


    171.6          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the financial allocation to an annual programme of planned maintenance works to the operational buildings at an estimated cost of £4,029,000 as detailed in Appendices A and B, in accordance with Financial Regulations be approved and


    (2)         That delegated authority, where necessary, be granted to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to enter into contracts within the budget in (1) above, which are procured in accordance with Contract Standing Orders.


Employability for Young People in Care and Care Leavers pdf icon PDF 66 KB

    Extract from the proceedings of the Corporate Parenting Sub-Committee meeting held on the 23rd January 2013 together with a report of the Interim director of Children’s Services (copies attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the recommendations as listed in the extract from the minutes of the Corporate Parenting Sub-Committee meeting be noted;


    (2)               That it be agreed in principle to providing young people in care and care leavers with support (such as training, work placement etc) to increase their employability prospects; and


    (3)               That officers be instructed to bring a report to the next meeting of the committee with proposals for the best way of providing young people in care and care leavers with the support necessary to enhance their chances of securing gainful employment and training.



    172.1          The Chair noted that the report had been referred from the Corporate Parenting Sub-Committee for consideration and as such proposed that the report be noted and that officers be requested to bring a further report back to the committee on how young people in care and care leavers could be supported in gaining employment opportunities.  He also noted that the report outlining changes to the constitution recommended that the sub-committee should revert back to being a Board but the Leader and the Chief Executive should be members of that Board.


    172.2          Councillor Shanks welcomed the Chair’s proposal and formally seconded it.


    172.3          Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and noted that the Conservative Group had recently received a presentation from the 16+ Advisory Board which had emphasised the importance for Members to retain their role of Corporate Parents and to be represented on the Corporate Parenting Board.


    172.4          Councillor Mitchell welcomed the report and its inclusion on the agenda and stated that she fully supported the Chair’s proposals and looked forward to receiving a further report.


    172.5          The Chair thanked the Members for their comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


    172.6          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the recommendations as listed in the extract from the minutes of the Corporate Parenting Sub-Committee meeting be noted;


    (2)         That it be agreed in principle to providing young people in care and care leavers with support (such as training, work placement etc) to increase their employability prospects; and


    (3)         That officers be instructed to bring a report to the next meeting of the committee with proposals for the best way of providing young people in care and care leavers with the support necessary to enhance their chances of securing gainful employment and training.


Extra Care Housing Update pdf icon PDF 68 KB

    Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 6th March 2013, together with a joint report of the Strategic Director; Place and Director of Adult Services (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)       That the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) be noted;


    (2)               That proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report be noted; and


    (3)               That the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton as shown on the annexed plan to the report be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.



    173.1          The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report and noted that it had been approved by the Housing Committee but under the current constitutional arrangements, the Policy & Resources Committee had to determine whether or not to approve the proposed demolition of council owned buildings.  He stated that the intention was to provide additional extra care housing provision and noted that if approved would contribute an additional £300k to the Adult Care & Health budget.


    173.2          Councillor Wakefield stated that she fully supported the report’s recommendations and welcomed the proposed use of the site and provision of extra care accommodation that was desperately needed.


    173.3          Councillor A. Norman stated that it would be a valuable addition to the extra housing stock and welcomed the focus on older people with dementia.


    173.4          The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


    173.5          RESOLVED:


    (1)    That the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) be noted;


    (2)         That proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report be noted; and


    (3)         That the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton as shown on the annexed plan to the report be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.


HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation pdf icon PDF 63 KB

    Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 6th March 2013, together with a report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the Empty Property Capital Scheme be approved and the Capital Programme updated with budgets of £405k in 2013/14 and £495k in 2014/15 to be funded by £900k HCA capital grant (of which £675k relates to BHCC and £225k relates to Lewes to be managed via BHCC); and


    (2)               That forward funding to a maximum of £200k be approved for the project due to the timing issues of awarding funding and the subsequent grant claim as detailed in paragraph 3.20 of the report.


    174.1          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the Empty Property Capital Scheme be approved and the Capital Programme updated with budgets of £405k in 2013/14 and £495k in 2014/15 to be funded by £900k HCA capital grant (of which £675k relates to BHCC and £225k relates to Lewes to be managed via BHCC); and


    (2)         That forward funding to a maximum of £200k be approved for the project due to the timing issues of awarding funding and the subsequent grant claim as detailed in paragraph 3.20 of the report.


New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme pdf icon PDF 73 KB

    Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 6th March 2013, together with a report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the four vacant and unlettable prefabricated bungalow units in the rear gardens of 243-245 Preston Road, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 1) be demolished as required to enable redevelopment of that garden site with new housing, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraphs 3.21 and 3.22 of the report;


    (2)               That the vacant former Housing Office at Manor Place, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 2 to the report) be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraph 3.23 of the report.


    175.1          The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report which had been referred from the Housing Committee as it recommended the demolition of buildings in order to enable the progress of the estate regeneration programme.


    175.2          Councillor Wakefield welcomed the report and noted that progress was being made and hoped that approval for the proposed demolition would be given.


    175.3          Councillor Mitchell referred to page 529 and paragraph 3.23 and asked that consideration be given to the tenant profile for the new accommodation that would replace the old manor place housing, having regard to that of the existing Robert Lodge.


    175.4          The Head of City Regeneration stated that the point had been raised at the Housing Committee meeting and it was intended that residents of the new accommodation would be in keeping and consistent with the community profile at Robert Lodge.


    175.5          Councillor Morgan queried whether reference in the recommendations should be made to consultation with ward councillors and local community groups in regard to the new accommodation and tenants.


    175.6          The Head of City Regeneration stated that it was intended to involve ward councillors and local community groups in consultation on the regeneration of the area and this had been confirmed at the Housing Committee meeting.


    175.7          Councillor Wakefield stated that as Chair of the Housing Committee she was happy to reassure Councillor Morgan that there would be a full consultation process involving ward councillors and community groups.


    175.8          Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that the committee was being asked to approve the demolition of the buildings and not the process for the new accommodation and therefore suggested that the Chair of Housing Committee’s undertaking should be accepted.


    175.9          The Chair stated that there was an undertaking from both the Head of Service and the Chair of the Committee to involve residents and ward councillors and therefore it should be sufficient to note that and put the recommendations to the vote.


    175.10      RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the four vacant and unlettable prefabricated bungalow units in the rear gardens of 243-245 Preston Road, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 1) be demolished as required to enable redevelopment of that garden site with new housing, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraphs 3.21 and 3.22 of the report;


    (2)         That the vacant former Housing Office at Manor Place, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 2 to the report) be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraph 3.23 of the report.


    Note:      Councillor Shanks having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the item withdrew from the chamber and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.


Review of the Constitution (March) 2013 pdf icon PDF 109 KB

    Report of the Interim Lead; Chief Executive’s Services (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the proposed changes to the constitution in so far as they relate to the scheme of delegations to Officers as set out in Appendix 3 to the report be approved;


    (2)               That the Council be recommended to approve the amended constitution documents set out at Appendix 1 (being those relating to committees, sub-committees and advisory bodies);


    (3)               That the Council be recommended to approve the changes to the constitution summarised at paragraphs 3.4to 3.26 and 3.28 to 3.32 of the report and related documents set out in Appendix 2;


    (4)               That the Council be recommended to approve that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make consequential amendments as are considered necessary to give effect to the changes agreed at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 above;

    (5)               That the Council be recommended to approve that the Chief Executive be authorised to take any steps necessary to implementation of the changes agreed in the report;


    (6)               That the Council be recommended to approve that the Executive Director of Finance & Resources be authorised to make appropriate amendments to Financial Regulations and Standards Financial Procedures to reflect the Officer restructure and the changes relating to the corporate landlord function.


    (7)               That the Council be recommended to approve that the amendments to the constitution set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.6 come into effect immediately after the Conclusion of annual Council on 23 May 2013, except any amendments relating to the terms of reference of the Health & Wellbeing Board and the Financial Regulations and Standards Financial Procedure, which should come into effect on 1st April 2013.


    176.1          The Head of Law introduced the report which detailed a number of proposed changes to the council’s constitution which had resulted from the recent review and discussions with the Leaders of the three political groups represented on the council.  He noted that the council had adopted a new committee system on the 1st April 2012 and stated that he believed the new decision-making model had met all of its objectives, without any additional resources being required.  There was however room for improvement and a number of changes were being proposed and further work would be undertaken to see if other changes were required e.g. the current partnership arrangements were due to be reviewed.


    176.2          The Chair stated that he wished to thank all the officers involved in bringing the report to the committee and in enabling the new committee system to be implemented and operate efficiently. He stated that he had been surprised by the level of interest from other authorities since the council’s decision to change and adopt a committee system and felt that had to be a positive endorsement of the change.  He believed that Members were more engaged in the system and whilst the Green Group felt that separate committees should exist for Environment & Sustainability and Transport, it was recognised that the proposed combining of the two into one committee was fully supported by both opposition groups.


    176.3          Councillor Morgan welcomed the report and the work that had gone into the review but queried whether the previous Members Working Group should have been involved in the review and all Members asked for their comments on the constitution and possible changes.  He also asked for clarification in regard to the proposed Lead Member role and that this would not attract a Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) within the Members’ Allowances Scheme or lead to the creation of further sub-committees.


    176.4          The Chair confirmed that there was no intention for the Lead Member role to qualify for an SRA or to have additional sub-committees.  He was committed to maintaining a streamlined committee system the intention was to formally recognise that the Lead Member would be regarded as having responsibility for that area, which would help them to engage effectively with partners and other organisations.


    176.5          Councillor G. Theobald stated that he had been asked by other authorities about how the council had managed to move to a new system so quickly and wished to thank the officers concerned for their work in enabling the change to happen.  His only concern was in regard to the level of involvement that Members had in Personnel Appeals and asked that this be looked at.


    176.6          Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that he wished to complement the officers on undertaking such an enormous task and delivering a new system.  He agreed with Councillor Morgan in regard to the Members Working Group and thanked the Chair for the clarification.  He also welcomed the intention of giving committees’ responsibility for their areas and thanked the officers.


    176.7          Councillor Kitcat noted the comments and stated that the role of Members in relation to Personnel Appeals had been raised at the Staff Consultation Forum and he believed this was due to be discussed further by the Forum with proposals then being brought forward for consideration.  He then put the recommendations to the vote.


    176.8          RESOLVED: That the proposed changes to the constitution in so far as they relate to the scheme of delegations to Officers as set out in Appendix 3 to the report be approved; and


    176.9          RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND:


    (1)         That the Council be recommended to approve the amended constitution documents set out at Appendix 1 (being those relating to committees, sub-committees and advisory bodies);


    (2)         That the Council be recommended to approve the changes to the constitution summarised at paragraphs 3.4to 3.26 and 3.28 to 3.32 of the report and related documents set out in Appendix 2;


    (3)         That the Council be recommended to approve that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make consequential amendments as are considered necessary to give effect to the changes agreed at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 above;

    (4)         That the Council be recommended to approve that the Chief Executive be authorised to take any steps necessary to implementation of the changes agreed in the report;


    (5)         That the Council be recommended to approve that the Executive Director of Finance & Resources be authorised to make appropriate amendments to Financial Regulations and Standards Financial Procedures to reflect the Officer restructure and the changes relating to the corporate landlord function.


    (6)         That the Council be recommended to approve that the amendments to the constitution set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.6 come into effect immediately after the Conclusion of annual Council on 23 May 2013, except any amendments relating to the terms of reference of the Health & Wellbeing Board and the Financial Regulations and Standards Financial Procedure, which should come into effect on 1st April 2013.


Nomination of Councillor to Serve on 'Coast to Capital' Local Transport Body pdf icon PDF 79 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)               That the Lead Member for Transport be nominated as the city council’s representative to serve on the ‘Coast to Capital’ Local Transport Body;


    (2)               That the Assurance Framework for the ‘Coast to Capital’ Local Transport Body, attached at Appendix 1 be approved;


    (3)               That consideration be given to the allocation of funds from within existing council budgets in order that it can be combined with funding from other members of the Local Transport Body to enable a part-time administrative role to be established that will enable it to operate efficiently; and


    (4)               That it be noted that a further report would be brought back to a future meeting with detailed Terms of Reference for the LTB for approval.



    177.1          RESOLVED:


    (1)         That the Lead Member for Transport be nominated as the city council’s representative to serve on the ‘Coast to Capital’ Local Transport Body;


    (2)         That the Assurance Framework for the ‘Coast to Capital’ Local Transport Body, attached at Appendix 1 be approved;


    (3)         That consideration be given to the allocation of funds from within existing council budgets in order that it can be combined with funding from other members of the Local Transport Body to enable a part-time administrative role to be established that will enable it to operate efficiently; and


    (4)         That it be noted that a further report would be brought back to a future meeting with detailed Terms of Reference for the LTB for approval.


Items Referred For Council

    To consider items to be submitted to the 28th March 2013 Council meeting for information.


    In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council.  In addition, each Minority Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10.00am on the 18th March 2013 (the eighth working day before the Council meeting to which the report is to be made), or if the Committee meeting takes place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting.

    Additional documents:


    178.1          No items were referred to the forthcoming council meeting on the 28th March 2013.


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