Agenda item - Strategic Risk MAP Focus review Dates; and RISK MAP Focus on SR19 Implementation of the Care Act; SR20 Better Care Fund; and SR13 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

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Agenda item

Strategic Risk MAP Focus review Dates; and RISK MAP Focus on SR19 Implementation of the Care Act; SR20 Better Care Fund; and SR13 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Report of the Executive Director Finance & Resources (Copy Attached)


29.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Finance and Resources, which focused on the Strategic Risk MAPs and was attended by the Executive Director, Adult Services who was present to answer Member’s queries relating to this Strategic Risk Maps: SR19 Implementation of the Social Care Act, SR20 Better Care Fund, and SR13 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults.



29.2    Councillor K Norman referred to SR 19 and said the implementation of the Act would entail additional work for staff, and asked for confirmation that staff would be able to undertake it and what the risk would be if they couldn’t. The Executive Director, Adult Services said that the Authority was doing what it could to mitigate any risk i.e. ensuring staff were fully trained. However, at this stage it was not known what the full impact on staff would be. The Chair asked whether the department had sufficient staff. The Executive Director, Adult Services said that there should be, and that there would be additional resources to employ additional staff to undertake the care assessments.


29.3    The Chair asked for confirmation that the Health and Wellbeing Board were involved with this, and was advised they were and had signed off the Better Care Plans.


29.4    Councillor K Norman asked about the Better Care Board, and was advised that the Board met once a month and was attended by a range of care providers.


29.5    The Chair drew the attention of the Committee to the changes presented in Appendix 1 which provided more detail on the schedule for Risk Focus items as part of the Risk Management input at Audit & Standards Committee 2014/15.


29.6    RESOLVED – That the Committee noted the report.

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