Agenda item - Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR26 Organisational Capacity; and SR32 Health & Safety Assurance
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Agenda item
Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR26 Organisational Capacity; and SR32 Health & Safety Assurance
- Meeting of Audit & Standards Committee, Tuesday, 25th July, 2017 4.00pm (Item 7.)
- View the background to item 7.
Report of the Executive Lead Officer Strategy, Governance & Law
1) That the Audit & Standards Committee notes the Strategic Risk Assessment Report at Appendix 1.
7.1 The Head of Health & Safety and Nigel Cusack (East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service) provided a verbal update and answered Members questions for SR32: Health & Safety Assurance.
7.2 Councillor Taylor welcomed the update as a clear indication of action. Councillor Taylor noted that the independent survey detailed at page 31 of the agenda was only 10% complete and asked whether it could be finalised by the end date of 1 September 2017. In addition, Councillor Taylor enquired as to the extent of combustion tests undertaken.
7.3 The Head of Health & Safety clarified that 10% was the stage of progress at the time the report was produced and had moved much further along since that point with completion expected by the due date of 1 September. Nigel Cusack stated investigation had confirmed that the model of cladding used in Grenfell Towers had not been found on high-rise properties in Brighton & Hove and combustion tests would only be undertaken on that specific model at this time. Other tests had been undertaken and would continue.
7.4 Diane Bushell asked how health and safety was monitored in contracts in the council’s partnership agreements and with external contractors.
7.5 The Head of Health & Safety stated that there was a joint responsibility on the council and contractors to ensure a high-standard of health and safety and was robustly monitored.
7.6 Councillor Robins noted there was no shared database of residents in shared blocks who were vulnerable or required additional assistance in the event of evacuation and he enquired to the process for identifying those people.
7.7 Nigel Cusack replied that the lack of a shared database was of concern to the Fire & Rescue Service who would like access to occupancy information. The possibility of an emergency contact point within shared blocks had been considered and furthermore, any resident could call 999 directly and inform the Fire & Rescue Service that vulnerable people may live in the block. Nigel Cusack stated that there was a ‘stay put’ evacuation policy in the event of fire and a recent incident at Sussex Heights had demonstrated the benefit of that policy in terms of the safety of the residents.
7.8 The Executive Director, Finance & Resources provided a verbal update and answered Members questions for SR2: Financial Outlook.
7.9 Diane Bushell noted that the second line of defence placed reliance on PR&G Committee for assurance and monitoring. Diane requested assurance that the members of the committee received agendas for meetings in good time allowing them to properly digest the information. Furthermore, Diane requested clarity on the implications of health sector reforms as the information provided in the report was unclear.
7.10 The Deputy Chief Finance Officer answered that similar to other committees, agendas for PR&G Committee were large and finance was just one aspect of the matters of oversight of the committee. Officers ensured that all group finance leads were regularly briefed. There was also a cross-party Budget Review Group that ensured that key risks and issues were identified. On a small number of occasions it was necessary to submit late reports to the committee which was usually due to the late receipt of financial information from central government. On occasions where that happened, extra briefings were provided by Officers to Members. In relation to health sector reforms, the Executive Director, Finance & Resources and the Deputy Chief Finance Officer stated that this was an area that saw regular change at national level. A report had been considered on the matter at the most recent PR&G Committee and the Executive Director, Health & Social Care was scheduled to provide an update on the relevant Strategic Risk at the next meeting of this committee.
7.11 The Executive Director, Finance & Resources provided a verbal update and answered Members questions for SR26: Organisational Capacity.
7.12 Diane Bushell asked when the Better Brighton & Hove think tank was due to be established.
7.13 The Executive Director, Finance & Resources stated that there had been a process of establishing the formal status of the think tank as well as making appointments to the Board and creating a work programme. One current issue was that of resourcing and on a short-term basis, opportunities for university secondments were being evaluated.
7.14 Councillor Morris enquired as to initiatives being undertaken to tackling workforce stress that was becoming an increasing issue as organisational capacity decreased.
7.15 The Executive Director, Finance & Resources answered that new approaches were being introduced and considered including the First Care Solutions pilot and corporate benefits for staff focussed on health and well-being and that formulated into a coherent strategy and would be available for scrutiny in due course.
7.16 RESOLVED- That the Audit & Standards Committee notes the Strategic Risk Assessment Report at Appendix 1.
Supporting documents:
Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR26 Organisational Capacity; and SR32 Health & Safety Assurance, item 7.
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Strategic Risk Focus SR2 Financial Outlook for the Council; SR25 Organisational Capacity as a result of Change; SR10 Information Governance Management; and SR18 Transition to modern, digital IT to improve service delivery APX. n 2, item 7.
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