Agenda item - Stanmer Park restoration project - procurement of works
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Agenda item
Stanmer Park restoration project - procurement of works
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 25th January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 87.)
- View the background to item 87.
Extract from the proceedings of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee meeting held on the 23 January 2018 (to follow); together with a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
1) Approves the relocation of the CityParks depot to Hangleton Bottom.
2) Recommends to February Budget Council the allocation of up to £400,000 capital resources to address the shortfall of funding identified in relocating the CityParks depot, subject to confirmation of costings as outlined in Table 2.
3) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture to:
(i) Procure and award a contract for the Stanmer Park HLF Restoration Project, to undertake the works listed in paragraph 3.6 below.
(ii) Apply for planning consent for the building of new depot facilities at Hangleton Bottom.
(iii) Procure and award a contract(s) for the building of new depot facilities at Hangleton Bottom.
4) The committee agrees that officers should explore ways to achieve efficiencies through joining up the CityParks depot relocation and Animal Welfare Facility projects where possible and through the city parks and animal welfare services working together. This should include exploration of costs which can be shared through an integrated approach such as costs of installing utility services, security costs, repairs and maintenance. Opportunities to achieve a more integrated design should also be explored, such as providing shared toilet and washroom facilities where this can be done within any regulatory and health and safety requirements and the outcome of this work to be reported to Leaders Group.
87.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that summarised the progress made to date and sought agreement to proceed with the tendering and appointment of the main contractor for the Stanmer Park restoration HLF project and sought permission to progress the relocation of the CityParks depot to Hangleton Bottom with the necessary competitive tendering and appointment of contractors. The report also provided a minute extract detailing the consideration of the report and associated recommendations by the Environment, Transport & Sustainability (ET&S) Committee.
87.2 Councillor Mitchell moved a joint motion to add recommendation 2.6 as shown in bold italics as follows:
2.6 The committee agrees that officers should explore ways to achieve efficiencies through joining up the CityParks depot relocation and Animal Welfare Facility projects where possible and through the city parks and animal welfare services working together. This should include exploration of costs which can be shared through an integrated approach such as costs of installing utility services, security costs, repairs and maintenance. Opportunities to achieve a more integrated design should also be explored, such as providing shared toilet and washroom facilities where this can be done within any regulatory and health and safety requirements and the outcome of this work to be reported to Leaders Group.
87.3 Introducing the motion, Councillor Mitchell explained that it followed on from the discussion of the report at the ET&S Committee at its meeting the previous Tuesday. That discussion had focussed on the synergies, savings and economy of scale that may be possible in joining up the relocation of the CityParks depot and construction of the proposed Animal Welfare Facility at the identified site in Hangleton Bottom.
87.4 Councillor Janio formally seconded the joint motion. Councillor Janio explained that he and his colleague Councillor Wares, opposition spokesperson on the ET&S Committee, had discussed this and the separate Animal Welfare Facility report and realised the absence of a joined up approach between the two projects. Councillor Janio believed the motion to be a sensible compromise. Councillor Janio noted that the size of the development meant that the site was unlikely to be able to be used a waste and mineral transfer site and proposed that the administration approach the signatories to discuss removal of its identified status as such.
87.5 Councillor Peltzer Dunn commended Councillor Mitchell as Chair of the ET&S Committee and officers for the very quick and positive response. Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that there were lessons to be learned in cross-departmental discussions and planning.
87.6 Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that similar to the Valley Gardens project, funding was vulnerable if it was not used efficiently and that in turn jeopardised the future funding relationship with such bodies. Councillor Mac Cafferty enquired as to the full cost of the move and clarification that funding was awarded in July 2017.
87.7 The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture confirmed that funding had been awarded in July 2017 which was the point at which a project manager could be recruited and design and planning could begin rather than the point at which construction began. The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture clarified that officers met regularly with funding partners, including the HLF, to discuss all elements of current and future projects. The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture confirmed that the current full cost of the move was currently estimated at £850,000 although a solution regarding the temporary move was currently being discussed that could reduce the cost by £100,000.
87.8 Councillor Mitchell clarified that the Valley Gardens scheme had not been awarded HLF funding and implementation of the scheme had never been in doubt. Councillor Mitchell stated that work would begin this year as preliminary work on phase 3 was underway.
87.9 The Chair put the joint motion to the vote that was carried.
87.10 The Chair put the recommendations, as amended, to the vote that were carried.
1) Approves the relocation of the CityParks depot to Hangleton Bottom.
2) Recommends to February Budget Council the allocation of up to £400,000 capital resources to address the shortfall of funding identified in relocating the CityParks depot, subject to confirmation of costings as outlined in Table 2.
3) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture to:
(i) Procure and award a contract for the Stanmer Park HLF Restoration Project, to undertake the works listed in paragraph 3.6 below.
(ii) Apply for planning consent for the building of new depot facilities at Hangleton Bottom.
(iii) Procure and award a contract(s) for the building of new depot facilities at Hangleton Bottom.
4) The committee agrees that officers should explore ways to achieve efficiencies through joining up the CityParks depot relocation and Animal Welfare Facility projects where possible and through the city parks and animal welfare services working together. This should include exploration of costs which can be shared through an integrated approach such as costs of installing utility services, security costs, repairs and maintenance. Opportunities to achieve a more integrated design should also be explored, such as providing shared toilet and washroom facilities where this can be done within any regulatory and health and safety requirements and the outcome of this work to be reported to Leaders Group.
Supporting documents:
Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot, item 87.
PDF 288 KB View as HTML (87./1) 45 KB
Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot APX. n 1, item 87.
PDF 191 KB
Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot APX. n 2, item 87.
Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot APX. n 3, item 87.
PDF 125 KB View as HTML (87./4) 629 KB
Item 87- Extract from ETS Stanmer Park restoration, item 87.
PDF 136 KB View as HTML (87./5) 32 KB
Item 87 Joint Grp Amendment CityParks depot, item 87.
PDF 13 KB View as HTML (87./6) 28 KB