Issue details - Stanmer Park Restoration - procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot
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Issue details
Stanmer Park Restoration - procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot
This report summarises the progress made to
date on the project, and seeks agreement to proceed with tendering
and appointment of main contractors.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2017
Decision due: 23 Jan 2018 by Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee
Decision due: 25 Jan 2018 by Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Lead member: Chair of the City Environment, South Downs & The Sea Committee
Lead director:
Contact: Jonathan Dall, Project Manager Email: Tel: 01273 295037.
- 26/01/2018 - Stanmer Park Restoration - procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot
- 26/01/2018 - Stanmer Park restoration project - procurement of works
Agenda items
- 23/01/2018 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee Stanmer Park Restoration - procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot 23/01/2018
- 25/01/2018 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee Stanmer Park restoration project - procurement of works 25/01/2018
- Stanmer Park restoration project - procurement of works