Agenda item - Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman Public Interest Report & Recommendations

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Agenda item

Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman Public Interest Report & Recommendations

Report of the Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance and Law (copy attached)


RESOLVED – (1) That having formally considered the report notes and agrees the set out in section 2 of the report; and


(2) Approves the following formal written response to the LGSO:


“We have heard and considered the public report issued against Brighton and Hove City Council, reference number:19 000 201. We welcome the findings of the report and accept all the actions and recommendations therein - some of which have already been implemented within the agreed timeframe. We thank you for bringing this to our attention.”


45.1    The Board considered a report of the Executive Lead Officer, Strategy, Governance and Law detailing  the public report published by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) on 26 November 2020 relating to the way in which a residents’ needs to remain in her care home had been assessed when she became eligible for council fundng. The Ombudsman considered that injustice had occurred for the individual concerned and had made a finding of fault against the council. The appropriate body/committee within the council was therefore required to consider that report.


45.2    The officer report to the Board explained the nature of the complaint, detailed the findings of the LGSCO and the actions that needed to be taken in order to remedy the faults in this case and to ensure improvements to future practice. The Board were asked to consider the report and to formally respond to the LGSC0 and to that end a statement had been prepared for approval.


45.3    The Chair, Councillor Shanks, welcomed the report which acknowledged the errors which had occurred and set out the measures to be put into place to seek to avoid any future repetition.


45.4    Councillor Moonan, stated that going forward it was important to ensure that there was the correct metric and that the right questions were asked with rigor. Councillor Moonan sought assurance that having considered the recommendations officers were confident that further tweaks were not needed. The Executive Director, Adult Health and Social Care, referred to the lessons which had been learned and staff training which had taken place. Whilst the circumstances of self- funders differed what had occurred in this instance was not indicative of a systemic problem but that it was important to work closely with homes, and care providers. Councillor Moonan noted the information provided, that appropriate remedy had been made to the family concerned and the measures were in place for the future.


45.5    RESOLVED – (1) That having formally considered the report notes and agrees the set out in section 2 of the report; and


(2) Approves the following formal written response to the LGSO:


“We have heard and considered the public report issued against Brighton and Hove City Council, reference number:19 000 201. We welcome the findings of the report and accept all the actions and recommendations therein - some of which have already been implemented within the agreed timeframe. We thank you for bringing this to our attention.”

Supporting documents:


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