Decisions for issue Royal Pavilion Estate Capital Project Phase 1

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Royal Pavilion Estate Capital Project Phase 1

10/10/2019 - Royal Pavilion Estate Capital Project Phase 1

RESOLVED: That the Committee


(i)            Noted that the decision to appoint a contractor to complete

the stage 1 emergency and remedial works required to the buildings has been taken by the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.


            (ii)        Noted the recommendation of the Procurement Advisory

Board set out in paragraph 3.7.


(iii)         Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director for

Economy, Environment & Culture to procure and award a contract for the stage 2 works required to complete the project as set out in paragraph 3.6.


(iv)         Noted that Policy & Resources Committee approval to vary

the capital budget, via the Targeted Budget Management (TBM) reporting process, would be required as set out in paragraph 7.1.


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