Decisions for issue Annual Planned Maintenance Budget and Asset Management Fund Allocations 2023-24 for the Council’s Operational Buildings

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Annual Planned Maintenance Budget and Asset Management Fund Allocations 2023-24 for the Council’s Operational Buildings

16/03/2023 - Annual Planned Maintenance Budget and Asset Management Fund Allocations 2023-24 for the Council’s Operational Buildings

RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed –


(i)       That an additional £1.5m of capital borrowing to be added to the annual allocation to help meet some of the top priority capital planned maintenance works that cannot be met by the existing budget.


(ii)       That the annual programme of planned maintenance works for the Planned Maintenance Budget as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2, at a total estimated cost of £4,930,690 be approved.


(iii)      That the Asset Management Fund allocation for 2023-24 totalling £1,000,000, as detailed in Appendix 3 of this report be approved.


(iv)      That delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture and Assistant Director Property & Design to procure the Planned Maintenance Budget and Asset Management Fund improvement works and award contracts within these budgets.


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