Meeting attendance - Meeting of Housing Committee on Wednesday, 19th January, 2022, 4.00pm

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Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 19th January, 2022 4.00pm, Housing Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber

Contact:    Shaun Hughes
Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor David Gibson Joint Chair Present
Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones Joint Chair Present
Councillor Elaine Hills Deputy Chair Present
Councillor Gill Williams Opposition Spokesperson Present
Councillor Mary Mears Group Spokesperson Present
Councillor Dawn Barnett Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Theresa Fowler Committee Member Present
Councillor Anne Meadows Committee Member Present
Councillor Martin Osborne Committee Member Present
Councillor Nancy Platts Committee Member Present
Shaun Hughes Committee Administrator Present


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