Agenda for Children & Young People's Trust Board on Monday, 19th January, 2009, 5.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
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Contact: Nara Miranda, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Declarations of Interest by all Members present of any personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Members regard the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Minutes: 40a Declarations of Substitutes
40.1 There were no declarations of substitutes.
40b Declarations of Interest
40.2 The Chairman, Cllr Brown, and Mo Marsh, South Downs NHS Health Trust, declared a personal interest in item 50, in so far that they are members of the Brighton Dome Board.
40c Exclusion of Press and Public
40.3 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (‘the Act’), the Children & Young People’s Trust Board considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press or public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100I(1) of the Act).
(1) That Item 49 listed in Part 2 of the agenda be brought into open session.
(2) That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under consideration of Item 50 in Part Two of the agenda.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 70 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2009 (copy attached). Minutes: 41.1 RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2008 be approved and signed by the Cabinet Member as a correct record of the proceedings, subject to the following amendment:
That paragraph 39.3 should read “Councillor Fryer noted that the aims listed in the appendix were more positive than the 5 Core Indicators utilised to measure results and she hoped that, in future, we would be aspiring to the more positive indicators”.
Chairman's Communications Minutes: 42.1 The Chairman noted the apologies from Andrew Jeffrey and Eleanor Davies, Parent Forum representatives. She agreed to pass on the Board’s best wishes on to both representatives, who had been unable to attend today’s meeting because they had been involved in an accident.
42.2 Simon Turpitt, South Downs Health NHS Trust, informed members that the South Downs Health was recruiting for a substantive Chief Executive. Mr Turpitt recorded his thanks to John O’Sullivan for all the work he had carried out and continues to do in his acting-up position until the appropriate candidate is recruited. |
Written Questions from Members PDF 42 KB i) Brighton & Hove City Council integrated health, education and social services and the communication between its partners. Councillor McCaffery (copy attached).
ii) Youth Centres survey regarding community buildings. Councillor Fryer (copy attached).
iii) Tarnerlandplaybase. Councillor Fryer (copy attached). Minutes: 43(i) Question – Brighton & Hove City Council integrated health, education and social services and the communication between its partners.
43.1 For clarity and ease of reference to those members of the public attending the meeting, the Chairman invited Councillors McCaffery and Fryer to ask their questions.
43.2 Councillor McCaffery asked the following question:
“This Authority was one of the first to integrate health, education and children's social services in order to deliver better services to children. How do the Board members inform themselves and how are they informed of how effectively each part of the service is working and whether budgets for each part of the service are set at a level to maintain physical and mental safety of vulnerable children?”
43.3 The Chairman read out the following response, which had been circulated at the meeting:
“Board members receive regular Performance improvement Reports that provide an overview of the effectiveness of the Trust’s integrated services and exception reports on areas of persistent under-performance and the remedial action that is being taken.
The Board receives and approves all of the Trust’s key plans and strategies which determine how services for children, young people and their families are commissioned and provided in Brighton and Hove. This includes regular budget reports so that they can ensure that budgets for each part of the service are set at a level to maintain physical and mental safety of vulnerable children.
The Board, working with the Local Safeguarding Children Board, gives priority to the safeguarding and protection of all children, especially those who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk. During the first part of 2009 the Board will consider the issues to emerge from events in the London Borough of Haringey and any action that needs to be taken.”
43.4 Councillor McCaffery asked a supplementary question. She enquired about the number of reports that had been received by the CYPT Board between April 2007 and now, which included all the three areas of the partnership, excluding performance and budget reports.
43.5 The Chairman indicated that, as a general rule, all the education issues were considered by the Children & Young People Cabinet Member, whilst all other matters were taken and considered by the Board. The Chairman further indicated that she was unable to give the details requested on the number of joint reports considered by the Board. However, she agreed to investigate what the information was and reply in writing to Councillor McCaffery in due course.
43.6 Members requested that such information was also made available to all members of the Board. The Chairman concurred with this request.
43(ii) Question - Youth Centres survey regarding community buildings
43.7 Councillor Fryer asked the following question:
“When inviting youth centres to complete a survey regarding community buildings which fed into the My Space funding bid, what effort was made to explain what this survey was about and what opportunities it might lead to?”
43.8 The Chairman read out the following response, which had been circulated at the meeting:
“As one element of the development of the Myplace Strategy for Brighton and Hove a suitability and condition survey was undertaken of key youth buildings, both local CYPT youth centres and community and voluntary sector premises were included. The covering letter that went with the survey explained that it was to assist in the development of the Myplace strategy and said it would help us to gain a very clear picture of the state of premises that were being used currently across the City.
The development of the strategy was also discussed at several key meetings where the voluntary and community sector were represented and the methodological approach and needs assessment explained in detail. The final proposals were also consulted on with both statutory and voluntary colleagues before being presented to the CYPT Board and the final submission to the Big Lottery.”
43.9 Councillor Fryer indicated that, when in communication with one youth worker who had received the survey for completion, she was made aware that the worker did not know who the survey had come from. Councillor Fryer sought reassurance that, in future, the aim of the consultations would be made clear to the consultees.
43.10 The Chairman agreed to look into this matter and pass the message on to the appropriate officers.
43(iii) Question – Tarnerland Playbase
43.11 Councillor Fryer asked the following question:
“The Tarnerland playbase failed its recent Ofsted report last summer due to health and safety issues arising from the building. It was given 9 months to resolve this problem. Whilst £50,000 has been allocated to carry out these works nothing has happened yet. Please could you give details on how this problem will be resolved by March 2009 when Ofsted is coming to re-inspect the premises?”
43.12 The Chairman read out the following response, which had been circulated at the meeting:
“The Tarnerland Playbase building was installed in Tarner Park in 1988 as part of a general refurbishment of the whole park area. The building was previously used as a temporary classroom at one of the schools in the town. The building is at least 30 years old and well past its best.
We are currently awaiting the results of a detailed structural survey. The building is in a poor condition because it has not been well maintained over time. The decision that needs to be made is whether it is worth repairing the building or whether it should be replaced. It is only once the results of the structural survey are known that we will be able to make this decision.”
43.13 Councillor Fryer asked the following supplementary question:
“With redundancy notices being served, it seems the Playbase is being left to rot. We have been told this fiasco is because no-one has been identified as responsible for this project. Can you guarantee a person will be identified and the situation rectified immediately, as your answer doesn't give a date by which this will be done, in order to prevent the closure of such an invaluable resource.”
43.14 The Assistant Director, Schools, Central Area and Schools Support, replied on behalf of the Chairman. He explained that the CYPT Board was the body identified to take this matter forward. However, officers had to be clear about what could be done with the resources and funding allocated before it could move forward. He guaranteed, however, that a person would be put in place in due course and an actual start date given once the resources had been identified. |
Extension to the Free Early Years Entitlement PDF 88 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the targeting of economic deprivation by using a measure of children living in worst 30% Super Output Areas as ranked by the national Index of Income Deprivation Affecting Children be agreed.
2. That to target early years settings, not individual children, and to pilot the extension in those settings which have the highest proportion of children attending who live in worst 30% areas be agreed.
3. That the funding of settings who are open for 38 weeks and can show that the additional 2.5 hours will be free be approved.
4. That a citywide framework of between 2 and 6 hours a day be agreed.
Minutes: 44.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Extension to the Free Early Years’ Entitlement. The report sought the Board’s agreement to the methodology for piloting the extension of the free entitlement to 15 hours for 25% of children from September 2009 and a citywide framework for increasing flexibility (for copy see minute book).
44.2 The Head of Service for City Early Years and Childcare explained that the additional funding was expected from September 2009 to support the one year pilot before the strategy was rolled out citywide.
44.3 In answer to questions, the Head of Service clarified that the information collated in the report was based on January 2008 figures. She indicated that officers would be looking at the latest position again this January, 2009, to identify which settings would be entitled to the pilot funding.
44.3 The Board welcomed the report and were mindful that the initiative was flexible enough to give parents the choice they required.
44.4 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the targeting of economic deprivation by using a measure of children living in worst 30% Super Output Areas as ranked by the national Index of Income Deprivation Affecting Children be agreed.
(2) That to target early years settings, not individual children, and to pilot the extension in those settings which have the highest proportion of children attending who live in worst 30% areas be agreed.
(3) That the funding of settings who are open for 38 weeks and can show that the additional 2.5 hours will be free be approved.
(4) That a citywide framework of between 2 and 6 hours a day be agreed.
Standards in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1-5, 2007-2008 PDF 58 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the report be noted. Minutes: 45.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Standards in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 to 5, figures for 2007/08. The report provided an overview of the standards achieved by children and young people in Brighton and Hove over 2007/08, as indicated by their attainment in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, tests at the end of key Stages 1-3, and GCSE and Advanced level examinations (for copy see minute book).
45.2 The Board welcomed the report. Members were pleased with the positive information it contained about the city’s performance.
45.3 Councillor Fryer enquired whether there existed any information regarding children with disabilities. The Senior Secondary and Special Schools Adviser agreed to look into this information and reply directly to Councillor Fryer.
45.4 RESOLVED - That the report be noted. |
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the results of the Annual Performance Assessment be noted.
2. That updates on the APA action plan be received by the Board through regular Performance Improvement Reports.
Minutes: 46.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Annual Performance Assessment of services for Children and Young People in Brighton & Hove City Council 2008 (for copy see minute book).
46.2 The Assistant Director, Quality and Performance, explained that the city remained good across the board, even though the standards for 2008 had been higher. He also informed members that this was the last year of the assessment under the Annual Performance Assessment, which would come to an end.
46.3 The Board welcomed the report and its content.
(1) That the results of the Annual Performance Assessment be noted.
(2) That updates on the APA action plan be received by the Board through regular Performance Improvement Reports.
Youth Justice Board Validation of the Youth Offending Team (YOT) PDF 88 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the results of the Youth Justice Board Validation Report (Appendix 1 to the report) be noted.
Minutes: 47.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Youth Justice Board Validation of the Youth Offending Team (for copy see minute book).
47.2 Councillor Hawkes enquired whether there were any provisions for looked after children.
47.3 The Assistant Director, West Area and Youth Support, explained that, locally, there existed data for looked after children and that officers dealt with and worked around individual cases.
47.4 Councillor Hawkes requested that future reports to the Board included information about how well the YOT liaised with Social Workers in trying to involve children who are in the care system and also clarified the relationships that existed between the Police and all the relevant bodies in relation to this matter.
47.5 RESOLVED - that the results of the Youth Justice Board Validation Report (Appendix 1 to the report) be noted.
Effectiveness of Safeguarding- Stock Take PDF 79 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the content of the report be noted.
Minutes: 48.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Effectiveness of Safeguarding, which, following the events in the London Borough of Haringey (the baby P. case), informed members about the requirement for all Local Authorities and NHS organisations to take stock of the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in their areas including a review of assurance arrangements at Board level (for copy see minute book).
48.2 RESOLVED - That the content of the report be noted.
Effectiveness of Safeguarding Practice
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (to be tabled at the meeting to Members only). Decision: 1. That the summary and baseline assessment of safeguarding practice in Brighton and Hove be noted.
2. That the proposals for further assessment and action set out in paragraph 3.4. be agreed.
3. That the proposal to update the recruitment and retention strategy set out in paragraph 3.6. be noted.
4. That a further report on the outcomes of the assessment and action programme, including any additional requirements, which may emerge from the DCSF, Ofsted or the Healthcare Commission, be brought to a future meeting.
5. That a seminar be arranged to hold further discussions about the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in Brighton & Hove.
Minutes: 49.1 The Board considered a further report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Effectiveness of Safeguarding Practice, which, following the events in the London Borough of Haringey (the baby P. case), informed members about the requirement for all Local Authorities and NHS organisations to take stock of the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in their areas (for copy see minute book).
49.2 The Director of Children’s Services explained that the Secretary of State requested that all Local Authorities ensured the safeguarding of their children. She reiterated the importance of partnership work and the Board’s individual organisations in ensuring that their services were as secure and safe to children as they could be.
49.3 The Director of Children’s Services recorded her recognition to and appreciation for all officers in the CYPT, in particular the services’ work force and front-line workers, in supporting the safeguarding of children. She also highlighted the importance of recruiting and retaining fully qualified Social Workers to strengthen this process.
49.4 The Director also indicated that this was the start of the process and that a more interactive discussion could be taken at the next meeting of the Board in March 2009.
49.5 The Assistant Director, Quality and Performance, made a presentation to the Board, giving further details about the processes required to ensuring the effective safeguarding of children (see appendix 1 to the minutes for a copy of the presentation).
49.5 The Board welcomed the report. Members were unanimous in stressing the need for the Board to be involved, the need for all to feel concerned and not complacent, and welcomed the process as an opportunity to explore more.
49.6 David Standing, representative of the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum, stated that members should know in more detail about how the system worked and requested that more details be brought to the next meeting.
49.7 Members requested that a copy of the powerpoint presentation was circulated to all.
49.8 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the summary and baseline assessment of safeguarding practice in Brighton and Hove be noted.
(2) That the proposals for further assessment and action set out in paragraph 3.4. be agreed.
(3) That the proposal to update the recruitment and retention strategy set out in paragraph 3.6. be noted.
(4) That a further report on the outcomes of the assessment and action programme, including any additional requirements, which may emerge from the DCSF, Ofsted or the Healthcare Commission, be brought to a future meeting.
(5) That a seminar be arranged to hold further discussions about the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in Brighton & Hove.
2009/10 Budget Strategy - [Exempt Category 4]
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (circulated to Members only). Decision: 1. That the proposals for the 2009/10 budget strategy be noted.
Minutes: 50.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the 2009/10 Budget Strategy.
50.2 RESOLVED - That the proposals for the 2009/10 budget strategy be noted.
Part Two Items To consider whether or not any of the above items and the decisions thereon should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public. Minutes: 51.1 RESOLVED – That Item 50 remains exempt from disclosure to the press and public. |