Committee details - Public & Members Engagement Meeting
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Committee details
Public & Members Engagement Meeting
- Councillor Peter Atkinson
- Councillor Samer Bagaeen
- Councillor Steve Davis
- Councillor Amanda Evans
- Councillor Bridget Fishleigh
- Councillor Theresa Fowler
- Councillor Amanda Grimshaw BEM
- Councillor Alistair McNair
- Councillor Anne Meadows
- Councillor Jackie O'Quinn
- Councillor Sue Shanks
- Councillor Carol Theobald
- Councillor Pete West
- Councillor Gary Wilkinson
- Councillor Gill Williams
- Councillor Bruno De Oliveira
- Councillor Jacob Allen
- Councillor Mohammed Asaduzzaman
- Councillor Faiza Baghoth
- Councillor Tristram Burden
- Councillor Julie Cattell
- Councillor Andrei Czolak
- Councillor Emma Daniel
- Councillor Mark Earthey
- Councillor Ty Galvin
- Councillor Ty Goddard
- Councillor Chloe Goldsmith
- Councillor Lucy Helliwell
- Councillor John Hewitt
- Councillor Raphael Hill
- Councillor Emma Hogan
- Councillor Liz Loughran
- Councillor Ivan Lyons
- Councillor David McGregor
- Councillor Ellen McLeay
- Councillor Birgit Miller
- Councillor Trevor Muten
- Councillor Paul Nann
- Councillor Mitchie Alexander
- Councillor Kerry Pickett
- Councillor Leslie Pumm
- Councillor Alan Robins
- Councillor Joy Robinson
- Councillor Tim Rowkins
- Councillor Bella Sankey
- Councillor Tobias Sheard
- Councillor Jacqui Simon
- Councillor Jacob Taylor
- Councillor Alison Thomson
- Councillor Maureen Winder
Contact information
Support officer: Anthony Soyinka. Head of Democratic Services
Postal address:
Room 167
First Floor
Hove Town Hall
Phone: 01273 291006
Email: anthony.soyinka@brighton-hove.govuk